FAQs: Legal Guidance for Families Affected by the Baltimore Bridge Collapse

In the wake of the tragic incident involving the collision of The Dali container ship with the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, Maryland, which led to the bridge's collapse, there are numerous concerns and questions from the families of construction workers and others impacted by this disaster. We address some key questions related to legal actions and considerations under maritime law below.

What legal rights do the families of construction workers have following the bridge collapse?

Families of construction workers affected by the bridge collapse have several legal avenues to explore. State laws will govern the employees’ and their families’ rights to workers’ compensation benefits. Given the unique circumstances under which this incident occurred with a cargo ship colliding with a bridge and causing its collapse, legal claims against the ship’s owner and personnel will be governed by federal maritime law. Those laws will likely dictate the jurisdiction under which those claims will be litigated.

Is the incident considered under maritime law, even though it involved a bridge collapse?

Yes, the incident does fall under maritime Law because it involves a Singapore-registered vessel, the Dali, operating in navigable waters. Maritime or admiralty law governs this type of situation. Therefore, any legal action concerning this incident, especially the ship’s collision with the bridge, will be controlled by federal maritime law.

Can workers or their families pursue compensation?

If the injuries or fatalities were caused by negligence, such as the ship's crew, pilots, or their employers, the affected workers or their families might be entitled to pursue third-party negligence claims in addition to workers' compensation claims.

What steps should families of the affected workers take following the incident?

Families should seek legal counsel experienced in maritime and personal injury law without delay. It is crucial not to engage with media or insurance companies or give statements to regulatory agencies without legal representation. The intricate nature of this case, with its overlapping jurisdictions and legal complexities, necessitates professional legal guidance to navigate the claims process effectively and safeguard the rights and interests of those impacted.

What ongoing investigations or actions are being taken following the incident?

The incident has prompted comprehensive investigations by various entities, including the police, the Coast Guard, the Department of Transportation, and other regulatory bodies. These investigations aim to determine the cause of the collision, any contributing mechanical failures, and the responsibilities of all parties involved. Legal investigations will also focus on identifying all corporate and individual entities liable for the incident.

Our thoughts and prayers are with all those affected by this devastating event.

DISCLAIMER: Because of the generality of this update, the information provided herein may not be applicable in all situations and should not be acted upon without specific legal advice based on particular situations. Attorney Advertising.

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Morris James LLP


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