A lawsuit alleges this Snapchat feature is making driving even more dangerous, and it’s not texting or instant messaging.

This state is considering imposing hefty fines on jurors who post information to social media about the lawsuits they’re hearing.

Facebook pulls back the veil (ever so slightly) on political ads.

The exposure of the personal data of more than one million members of the dating site BeautifulPeople.com might inspire schadenfreude, but everyone is probably vulnerable to “shame hacking.”

Speaking of embarrassing revelations, a new Tinder feature is automatically displaying which of a participant’s Facebook friends—even married friends—are also using Tinder. Oops.

Sharing on Facebook is declining. Is Snapchat to blame?

A surprising nine out of 20 of the companies advertising on Instagram’s app received venture capital funding in the last year.

Did you know that once a social media influencer’s following grows beyond a certain point, engagement actually drops? It turns out “micro-influencers” are the ones having maximum impact.

You’ll never believe how many views Snapchat Stories are getting every day.