What to Expect from Congress this Work Period -
The next Hill work period basically runs from February 22nd to March 23rd. As Congress returns, here’s a brief look at the pending health care issues on the radar for this work period.
As much as health care policy experts think the world revolves around health care, there are other issues in play that can affect consideration of health care issues. First, there is consideration of the FY 2017 Budget. It is unclear whether House and Senate Republicans are ready to move forward with a budget this year (the 2015 year-end deal deemed the process for this year complete), but many key GOP players, including House Budget Chairman Tom Price (R-GA), are pushing for Congress to pursue a budget resolution this year. Any budget is certain to have health related provisions. While not incredibly influential for the process this year, a budget exercise employs resources that could be used on other issues. It also provides an opportunity for members to speak out publicly on policy ideas and proposals.
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