Jones Day Talks: Navigating Foreign Direct Investment in Germany

Jones Day
Germany has two different sets of rules for the review of foreign direct investments. The relevant ordinance, the Außenwirtschaftsverordnung, or AWV, provides for a sector-specific review process applying to the acquisition, by any non-German acquirer, of German companies active in military products and crypto-technology. The other set of rules, the cross-sectoral review, applies to the acquisition of all other companies by any non-EU acquirer. Jones Day's Jürgen Beninca and Chase Kaniecki discuss what investors should know about the See more +
Germany has two different sets of rules for the review of foreign direct investments. The relevant ordinance, the Außenwirtschaftsverordnung, or AWV, provides for a sector-specific review process applying to the acquisition, by any non-German acquirer, of German companies active in military products and crypto-technology. The other set of rules, the cross-sectoral review, applies to the acquisition of all other companies by any non-EU acquirer. Jones Day's Jürgen Beninca and Chase Kaniecki discuss what investors should know about the AWV. See less -

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