• Beyond wearables. Wearable Internet devices like Google Glass have made an impact. Could “nearables” be the next new thing? That’s the name that some people are giving to sensors or “beacons” attached to ordinary objects or even to pets. Could a sticker attached to your dog track how active it has been and where it has gone?  What could happen if an Internet-active sticker were attached to a retail product at a store?
  • Changing timelines. Twitter has changed the way in which it prepares a person’s timeline of tweets. Now, the timeline will include not just tweets from users whom the person follows, but also tweets that Twitter, according to its algorithms, thinks are “popular or relevant” to the person. The idea, according to Twitter, is to make the timeline “even more relevant and interesting.”
  • Expanding the vine. The social app Vine has announced that its signature six-second videos can now be created with any high-end camera and software, not only with smartphones’ cameras.  This change is expected to attract more brands to the rapidly growing social network.