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Mortgages Economic Growth

The term "mortgage" typically refers to a mortgage loan.  A mortgage loan is a financing instrument where an individual or business borrows money to purchase property (usually real property) and... more +
The term "mortgage" typically refers to a mortgage loan.  A mortgage loan is a financing instrument where an individual or business borrows money to purchase property (usually real property) and uses that property as collateral for the loan. less -
IR Global

Could an interest rate reduction reduce government expenditure?

IR Global on

A 1% reduction in the Bank Rate would reduce the UK government's annual interest charges on the national debt, but the exact amount of the reduction depends on the proportion of the debt that is sensitive to changes in...more


Hong Kong 2024-25 Budget - Real Estate Sector Highlights, Green Initiatives and Other Updates


On 28 February 2024, Paul Chan, the Financial Secretary of Hong Kong, delivered the 2024-25 Budget (the “Budget”). Starting off by acknowledging the “challenging external environment” including “heightened geopolitical...more

Dechert LLP

Panting for a Recession

Dechert LLP on

We seem all atwitter about the notion that a recession is about to happen; almost aroused by the prospect. A NASCAR crowd just waiting for a crash? Or is this a Waiting for Godot thing, as the chattering class bloviates...more

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