In federal contracting, the laws and regulations surrounding data rights and intellectual property (IP) rights can instill fear in many companies, especially small businesses. A misstep could have you assigning unlimited...more
In this post, we briefly summarize bid protest decisions from the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) published in December 2019. This round-up presents two cases wherein GAO sustained the protest due to the failure...more
GOVERNMENT CONTRACTING - The Congressional Research Service issued a report providing an overview of small business contracting. The report describes the various federal programs, requirements, procurement officers, and...more
Since government agencies are given substantial discretion in creating solicitations and evaluating proposals, contractors are frequently at a disadvantage in identifying and challenging improprieties. But that discretion is...more
The most common reason for contractors failing to meet the Small Business size standards set by the Small Business Administration (SBA) is because they are found to be affiliated with other companies, such that one company...more