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The Madrid Protocol - July 2024

The United States is a party to the Madrid Protocol, an international treaty simplifying and centralizing the process for registering trademarks on an international basis. This treaty allows owners of U.S. trademark registrations and… more

PTAB/USPTO Update - July 2024

USPTO Leadership - ..On June 3, the USPTO announced the appointment of Derris Banks as Regional Director of the USPTO’s Elijah J. McCoy Midwest Regional Office located in Detroit, Michigan… more

BPE Dealmaker Spotlight: Tim Greenfield

This series features interviews with Black dealmakers and trailblazers in the private equity (PE) and finance community. To help McGuireWoods spotlight professionals making a difference in their career pathways, please email Greg… more

The Death of the Chevron Doctrine: What Next?

This past week was monumental for those subject to regulation by Federal administrative agencies. Over the course of 24 hours, the Supreme Court issued two rulings that have extensive implications for administrative agency power to… more

The Virginia Condominium Act Turns 50

While the country is set to celebrate Independence Day, that is not the only special occasion this week. July 1 is the day that most new laws in Virginia take effect. The Virginia Condominium Act (the “Act”) was enacted on July 1… more

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