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New Law Bars Defense Contractors From Retaining Certain Outside Lobbyists

On December 23, 2024, former President Joe Biden signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025, which includes a provision prohibiting the Department of Defense (DOD) from contracting with...more

Maine Residents Pass Ballot Measure Limiting Contributions to Super PACs; Changes to New York Lobby Filings Go Into Effect

Maine - On November 5, 2024, Maine residents voted in favor of passing a ballot measure that limits contributions from individuals, PACs and business entities to PACs “for the purpose of making independent expenditures” to...more

Alert for Kentucky Legislative Lobbyists and Legislative Lobbyist Employers

Legislative lobbyists and legislative lobbyist employers in Kentucky are required to file monthly lobbying disclosures for periods covering January through April, and then every four months thereafter covering the rest of the...more

Chicago’s New Lobbyist Registration Thresholds Take Effect July 1

On July 1, 2024, registration thresholds under the city of Chicago’s lobbying law take effect. Under the law, individuals will need to register for city lobbying communications if they: - are compensated or spend $1,250...more

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