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Amended Florida Rules of Civil Procedure Now in Effect

The start of the new year has brought changes to Florida’s civil practice. In June 2024, the Florida Supreme Court issued proposed amendments to the state’s Rules of Civil Procedure, which we covered here. After the comment...more

Sweeping Changes to Florida Rules of Civil Procedure

The Florida Supreme Court recently approved significant amendments to the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure. ...more

Dodge’N Expert Bias Discovery Issues Raised In Worley

Expert witnesses are a critical part of litigation.  A good expert can properly assess a case, help position a case for settlement and provide helpful testimony at trial.  Like all witnesses, an expert witness’ bias may be...more

If the Sprinkler Pipes Fit, You Must Acquit

What Constitutes a Product under the Economic Loss Rule - The Economic Loss Rule limits a defendant’s tort liability for defective products to injuries caused to persons or damage caused to property other  than the...more

Seeing May Soon be Believing: The Possible Expansion of Summary Judgment in Florida with Respect to Dash Camera Footage

Many transportation companies use dash cameras for purposes of defending against actions for liability. However, recently in Lopez v. Wilsonart, LLC, 275 So. 3d 831 (Fla. 5th DCA 2019), eyewitness testimony and an expert...more

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