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Back to the Future: Texas Court Puts A Stop To The DOL's Expanded Salary Thresholds

On November 14, 2024, a federal judge in the Eastern District of Texas issued an order vacating the recent U.S. Department of Labor (“DOL”) Final Rule, which raised the minimum salaries employers had to pay certain employees...more

Dealer Alert: What New York’s New Warranty Reimbursement Law Means for Dealers in PA & NJ

New York recently joined a small but growing number of states when it enacted a new law requiring automobile manufacturers to pay dealers for warranty work using “reasonable” time allowances from standard labor time guides....more

Texas Court Puts a Stop to FTC's Non-Compete Ban

On August 20, 2024, a Texas Federal Court issued a nationwide bar on the enforcement of the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) rule banning nearly all non-compete agreements (the “Final Rule”), which, as we have previously...more

Getting Your Business Ready for the FTC’s Non-Compete Ban by September 4, 2024

As we have advised, on April 23, 2024, the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) approved a final rule (“Final Rule”) that renders existing non-competition agreements for employees working in for-profit businesses unenforceable,...more

Compliance Alert: RetireReady NJ Program Coming Soon

The State of New Jersey is making a state-administered retirement savings program available to eligible workers who do not have qualifying retirement savings plans through their employer. This is an innovative approach to...more

ARE YOU TALKING TO ME? New Jersey imposes further limits on non-disparagement clauses.

The Supreme Court of New Jersey has just made it even harder for employers to prevent harmful comments from employees and former employees. Specifically, non-disparagement clauses have been the primary tool employers use to...more

Exempt or non-exempt? It's Time for Employers to Evaluate Exempt Employees' Status Again as DOL Updates Minimum Salary...

Once again, the U.S. Department of Labor (“DOL”) released a Final Rule increasing the minimum salary thresholds for administrative, executive, and professional exemptions under the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”). Starting...more

The FTC's New Rule Invalidates Most Non-Competition Clauses

On April 23, 2024, the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”), in a 3-2 vote, approved a final rule that renders existing non-competition agreements for employees working in for-profit businesses unenforceable, with the exception...more

BREAKING NEWS: The FTC’s New Rule Invalidates Most Non-competition Clauses

On April 23, 2024, the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”), in a 3-2 vote, approved a final rule that renders existing non-competition agreements for employees working in for-profit businesses unenforceable, with the exception...more

NJ Employers Must Add This Step to Their Separation Protocols

New Jersey employers have long had a duty to issue Instructions For Claiming Unemployment Benefits, known as Form BC-10 (Source), to separated employees, but with several amendments to the New Jersey Unemployment Compensation...more

FTC Noncompete Ban Could Harm Buyers And Sellers In M&A

This article originally ran in Law360 on February 10, 2023. All rights reserved.  As federal and state governments consider limiting or prohibiting employee noncompetition agreements or other restrictive covenants, the...more

Employers Should be foreWARNed: Amendments to NJ’s Mini-WARN Act Impose Heightened Obligations on Employers Conducting Layoffs

On April 10, 2023, the New Jersey’s Millville Dallas Airmotive Plant Job Loss Notification Amendments (NJ’s Mini-WARN Act), finally will go into effect. The amendments, initially set to go into effect nearly three years ago,...more

Is the government banning my non-competition agreements?

Employers, make no mistake, the federal government and state governments are targeting employee non-competition agreements, also called non-competes. Broadly, legislatures and government agencies are concerned employers are...more

No More Misclassification: New Jersey Draws the Line

On July 8, 2021, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy signed four bills aimed at cracking down on employers who misclassify independent contractors as employees. In a press release, the Governor’s office lauded this legislative...more

FFCRA Opt-In Expanded Under American Rescue Plan Act of 2021

With the passage of The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP), employers with fewer than 500 employees now have the option of continuing pandemic-related paid leave for eligible employees and seeking reimbursement for the...more

Can I Fire an Employee Who Stormed the Capitol?

As all eyes were focused on the U.S. Capitol Building and insurgency on January 6th, back home, employers now face questions about whether they can discipline employees who participated in the siege or other off-duty conduct...more

THE YEAR THAT (SORT OF) WASN’T: Five Lessons Employers Learned During the COVID-19 Pandemic and What They Mean for the Future

As a labor and employment lawyer, over the past year, I had both a front row view of the ways the COVID-19 pandemic shaped workplaces in a broad array of industries and the privilege of working with employers to tackle truly...more

WHAT ARE YOU SMOKING? New Jersey’s New Cannabis Law Also Changes the Rules for Employers

As New Jersey enters a new era of legalized cannabis, employers face a whole new crop of questions about responding to employee cannabis use. The newly passed New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory, Enforcement Assistance, and...more

Employers’ COVID Update: To Mandate Or Not To Mandate?

Employers are growing accustomed to facing unprecedented decisions in every phase of this pandemic. As with many of the other situations employers have confronted over the past several months, whether to require employees to...more

SCOTUS Rules Discrimination Against LGBTQ Employees Is Discrimination On The Basis Of Sex

In a landmark decision in Bostock v. Clayton County, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled discrimination against LGBTQ employees violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The 6-3 ruling is significant in...more

Supreme Court Rules Discrimination Against LGBTQ Employees Is Discrimination On The Basis Of Sex

In a landmark decision in Bostock v. Clayton County, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled discrimination against LGBTQ employees violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The 6-3 ruling is significant in...more

What Employers Can Learn From Early COVID-19 Employee Lawsuits

Just as businesses are beginning to face the initial wave of COVID-19 impacts, lawyers are seeing the first wave of employee lawsuits. It is premature to even call these the tip of the iceberg, but the lessons from these...more

Employers Take Note: U.S. Department of Labor Issues FFCRA Notice for Employees

The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) requires all covered employers (generally, those with fewer than 500 employees, with the exception of certain healthcare providers and emergency responders who have opted...more

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy Signs Emergency Legislation into Law Providing Greater Access to Healthcare During the COVID-19...

On March 19, 2020, Governor Phil Murphy signed two bills into law (A-3860 and A-3862), which expand patient access to telemedicine and telehealth services by healthcare practitioners. Out-of-state healthcare practitioners can...more

PART 3: An Employer's Guide to the COVID-19 Coronavirus Outbreak & FAQs

Employers’ and governments’ responses to this COVID-19 pandemic are moving at unprecedented speed. This week, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (the Act) was passed by U.S. Congress and signed into law. It goes...more

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