As part of the wider review of the UK’s capital markets regulatory landscape, in May 2023, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) published Consultation Paper CP23/10, which set out proposed reforms for companies with listed...more
As part of its commitment to strengthen sustainability disclosure in its 2018 Sustainable Finance Action Plan, the European Commission (EC), together with the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG), has conducted...more
Corporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) initiatives and disclosures continue to be a focus for investors, other stakeholders and securities regulators in both the United States and Europe, but the disclosure...more
Short sellers make their money by publishing information that attacks a company in order to drive down its share price. How can a company prepare? And what should it not do in the face of a short attack? We offer some tips in...more
/ Acquisitions ,
Anti-Competitive ,
Antitrust Division ,
Board of Directors ,
Corporate Governance ,
Delisting ,
Department of Justice (DOJ) ,
Disclosure Requirements ,
Environmental Social & Governance (ESG) ,
EU ,
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) ,
Foreign Subsidies ,
Horizontal Merger Guidelines ,
Internal Investigations ,
Mergers ,
Publicly-Traded Companies ,
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) ,
Securities Litigation ,
Securities Regulation ,
Sellers ,
Share Buybacks ,
Shareholders ,
Short Selling ,
As predicted in our February 1, 2023, client alert, “ESG in 2022 and Predictions for 2023,” a global economic slowdown and ongoing backlash in the U.S. have slowed the momentum of some aspects of the environmental, social and...more
/ Activist Investors ,
Biodiversity ,
Competition ,
Corporate Governance ,
Disclosure Requirements ,
Environmental Social & Governance (ESG) ,
EU ,
Financial Markets ,
Financial Reporting ,
Financial Services Industry ,
Green Energy ,
Investment ,
Investors ,
Legislative Agendas ,
Popular ,
Regulatory Agenda ,
Remuneration ,
Sustainability ,
As part of the wider review of the UK’s capital markets regulatory landscape, the FCA published Consultation Paper CP23/10, which sets out reforms for companies with listed shares on the Main Market of the London Stock...more
/ Capital Markets ,
Corporate Governance ,
Disclosure Requirements ,
Eligibility ,
Equity Markets ,
Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) ,
Initial Public Offering (IPO) ,
Listing Rules ,
Publicly-Traded Companies ,
Stock Exchange ,
As the U.K. faces what the Bank of England recently described as “very challenging” times, with the possibility of the U.K.’s “longest recession since records began,” issuers listed on the London Stock Exchange should pay...more
/ Board of Directors ,
Capital Markets ,
Capital Raising ,
Coronavirus/COVID-19 ,
Corporate Counsel ,
Disclosure ,
Disclosure Requirements ,
Economic Duress ,
EU ,
Guidance Update ,
Offerings ,
Preemption ,
Recessions ,
The U.K. Parliament has approved climate-related disclosure requirements that were announced by the U.K.’s Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy’s (BEIS) on 28 October 2021 (see our 18 November 2021 alert...more
Throughout 2021, the importance of environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters proved to be even greater than many had expected, with ESG becoming a key area of focus for a range of stakeholders, particularly in the...more
The UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) announced on 28 October 2021 that new climate-related disclosure requirements had been laid before the Houses of Parliament. The proposals, contained in...more
The focus on environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues grew considerably in 2020, in part due to significant regulatory developments.
- Financial services businesses and other UK companies will still...more
/ Climate Change ,
Corporate Governance ,
Disclosure Requirements ,
Environmental Social & Governance (ESG) ,
EU ,
European Economic Area (EEA) ,
Financial Services Industry ,
Sustainability ,
Taxonomy ,
UK Brexit
Governance Factor; Beyond the Board -
Corporate governance has long been a focal point for large corporates, listed companies and regulated entities, with numerous studies connecting good corporate governance with higher...more