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Patent Poetry: Thomson Reuters Wins Copyright Decision Involving AI

Thomson Reuters has won a summary judgement in a copyright case involving artificial intelligence (AI). In a sometimes-poetic decision, Judge Bibas revised his 2023 summary judgement opinion and order, saying - A...more

Patent Poetry: Second Circuit Upholds Ed Sheeran’s Win in Copyright Case

The Second Circuit has upheld a lower court’s decision that musician Ed Sheeren didn’t infringe the copyright for Marvin Gaye’s 1973 song “Let’s Get It On.” In 2014, Defendants-Appellees Ed Sheeran and Amy Wadge wrote the...more

Patent Poetry: What does copyright law have to do with McDonalds ice cream machines?

The US Copyright Office has granted a copyright exemption giving restaurants the right to repair broken equipment by bypassing locks intended to prevent anyone other than the manufacturer from repairing them. This...more

Patent Poetry: What’s Happening with AI and Copyright Law

Not surprisingly, a lot is happening at the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and intellectual property (IP) law. Here’s a roundup of some recent developments in the area of copyright law and AI....more

Patent Poetry: 2 Live Crew Heirs Win Right to Reclaim Music

Luther Campbell, the former leader of 2 Live Crew, and the heirs of two other group members have won a legal battle over the rights to the group’s music. Lil’ Joe Records, owned by Joseph Weinberger, bought the group’s...more

Patent Poetry: Anti-AI “NO FAKES” Act Moves Forward in Congress

Several Representatives, including both Democrats and Republicans, have introduced the “Nurture Originals, Foster Art, and Keep Entertainment Safe Act of 2024’’ (NO FAKES Act) in the House of Representatives....more

Patent Poetry: Artist Loses Bid to Reinstate Claim over LeBron James Tattoo in Video Game

A federal district court in Ohio has rejected an attempt by a tattoo artist to reinstate his case against video game company Take-Two. The artist claimed that the company infringed his copyright in tattoos worn by...more

Patent Poetry: Artists Fight Unauthorized Use of Their Music by Trump Campaign

Dozens of musical artists have expressed their objections to the Trump Campaign’s use of their music at events. According to Wikipedia, at least 35 musicians have opposed Trump’s use of their music....more

Patent Poetry: Copyright Office Wants People to Control Their Digital Replicas

The US Copyright Office has issued a report in which it recommends passage of a federal law that would create a form of property right in a person’s digital replica....more

Patent Poetry: Chinese Court Issues First Decision on AI Copyright Infringement

The Guangzhou Internet Court issued the first ruling involving the liability of generative artificial intelligence (GAI) companies for copyright infringement. China has three internet courts in Beijing, Hangzhou, and...more

Patent Poetry: Bill Proposes IP Protection for Golf Courses

Congressmen Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) and Jimmy Panetta (D-CA) have introduced the Bolstering Intellectual Rights against Digital Infringement Enhancement (a.k.a. the BIRDIE Act), which proposes amending the definition of...more

Patent Poetry: Patent and Trademark Offices Publish Study on NFT IP Issues

The US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and the Copyright Office have published the results of their joint study on non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and intellectual property (IP). The Report was created in response to a June...more

Patent Poetry: Fourth Circuit Overturns $1 Billion Copyright Infringement Verdict

The Fourth Circuit has overturned a $1 billion verdict in a copyright case against Cox Communications. As the court explained, Defendant Cox Communications sells internet, telephone, and cable television service to 6...more

Patent Poetry: Understanding the Idea/Expression Dichotomy in Copyright Law

Clients sometimes ask intellectual property (IP) lawyers how they can patent or copyright their ideas and make money off them. The short answer is: you probably can’t. Neither patent law nor copyright law protects...more

Patent Poetry: TTAB: No Bright-Line Rule against Trademarks for Characters

The Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) has reiterated that there is no “strict or bright-line rule against registration of characters.” The case is In re Joseph A. Stallard, 2023 USPQ2d 1009 (TTAB 2023)....more

EU Study Shows Startups with IP 1000% More Likely to Be Funded

The European Patent Office (EPO) and the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) have released a 61-page study showing that EU startups that secure intellectual property (IP) rights protection are 10.2 times more...more

Photographer Can’t Recover Profits Related to Infringing Images

A federal court has ruled that a photographer may not recover certain profits indirectly related to authorized copies of his work. The case is Graham v. Prince, No. 15-CV-10160 (SHS), 2023 WL 5917712 (S.D.N.Y. Sept. 11,...more

Patent Poetry: AI Law Developing Rapidly

Almost every week sees a new development in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) law. Here are some recent highlights. ...more

Patent Poetry: Artificial Intelligence, Hollywood Strikes, and the Right of Publicity

The US Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Intellectual Property recently held its second hearing in two months on issues at the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and intellectual property (IP) rights. ...more

Patent Poetry: Supreme Court Rules on “Fair Use” in Warhol Copyright Case

The US Supreme Court has issued its decision in the important copyright law case of Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. v. Goldsmith et al....more

Patent Poetry: Amazon Sues over False Copyright Infringement Claims

Amazon’s Counterfeit Crimes Unit (CCU) has filed three lawsuits over false copyright infringement claims on the platform. As Amazon reported, “multiple bad actors” submitted thousands of false copyright infringement claims...more

Patent Poetry: US Copyright Office: Use of AI Must Be Disclosed

The US Copyright Office has issued a statement of policy to clarify its practices for examining and registering works that contain material generated by the use of artificial intelligence (AI) technology. AI is very...more

Patent Poetry: Artists’ Livelihoods Threatened by AI Rivals

As we discussed in this recent blog, several intellectual property (IP) owners have sued artificial technology (AI) companies, claiming that the output produced by the AI engines violates their IP rights. The legal furor...more

How to avoid IP scams

The form at the top of this blog is a photoshopped patchwork of real and fake elements – including AEON Law’s name, logo, and address. Unfortunately, such scams are common, and too many people fall victim to them. Here...more

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