California Governor Gavin Newsom has signed into law a major set of restrictions on the actions California cities and counties may take to impede housing development. Senate Bill 330 broadly aims to prevent local agencies...more
/ Affordable Housing ,
Amended Legislation ,
Construction Industry ,
Construction Project ,
Governor Newsom ,
Housing Developers ,
Municipalities ,
New Legislation ,
New Rules ,
State and Local Government ,
Sunset Provisions ,
Zoning Laws
In 2015 the California appellate courts continued to chart new ground as they grappled with some of CEQA’s most difficult and controversial questions. The Supreme Court of California led the way, issuing four opinions on...more
The court of appeal recently upheld legislation modifying several deadlines for CEQA review of a project that includes a proposed new arena for the Sacramento Kings, rejecting a claim the statute violates separation of...more