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Wisconsin Appeals Court Rejects National Bank Act Preemption

In a significant ruling on February 18, 2025, the Wisconsin Court of Appeals determined that National Bank Act (NBA) does not preempt the procedural “right to cure” notice requirements mandated by the Wisconsin Consumer Act...more

Chopra Defends CFPB’s Medical Debt Proposed Rule

CFPB Director Rohit Chopra on Thursday defended his agency’s proposed rule to prohibit the listing of medical debt on credit reports, contending that such debts are not a fair indication of a person’s financial health....more

Fifth Circuit issues mandate in connection with its order reversing District Court’s order transferring venue to DC District Court...

On July 11, 2024, the CFPB filed its unopposed Motion for the Immediate Issuance of the Mandate, the CFPB stated that they do not intend to seek a rehearing before the same panel or en banc and requested the Fifth Circuit to...more

CFPB Isn’t Seeking a Rehearing and Petitions Fifth Circuit to Forthwith Issue Mandate in connection with the Writ of Mandamus...

On July 11, 2024, the CFPB filed Respondent’s Motion for the Immediate Issuance of the Mandate. In the motion, the CFPB states that they do not plan to seek a rehearing before the same Fifth Circuit or En Banc and requests...more

Fifth Circuit (again) rejects transfer of credit card late fee case to D.C.

On June 19, 2024, the Fifth Circuit dissolved the district court’s order transferring the case challenging the CFPB’s credit card late fee rule. In granting the writ of mandamus filed by the plaintiff trade associations...more

CFPB responds to plaintiffs’ mandamus petition in Fifth Circuit seeking to block second transfer to D.D.C. of lawsuit challenging...

If this blog post gives our readers a feeling of déjà vu, there’s a good reason—the latest developments in the lawsuit challenging the CFPB’s final credit card late fee rule (Rule) are a rerun of earlier developments in the...more

Transfer Redux: Once again, CFPB Late Fee litigation transferred from Texas to DC, transfer challenged in Fifth Circuit

In a replay of earlier events, in response to an emergency petition for writ of mandamus and administrative stay of transfer filed by the plaintiffs in the lawsuit challenging the legality of the CFPB’s credit card late fee...more

More twists and turns in industry lawsuit challenging CFPB credit card late fee rule

After bouncing from the Texas federal district court to the D.C. federal district court to the Fifth Circuit and back again to the Texas federal district court, the industry lawsuit challenging the CFPB’s credit card late fee...more

Texas federal district court enters preliminary injunction staying CFPB final credit card late fee rule

Last Friday, May 10, the Texas federal district court hearing the lawsuit challenging the CFPB’s final credit card late fee rule (Rule) granted the plaintiffs’ preliminary injunction motion and stayed the Rule. The Rule was...more

Fifth Circuit denies CFPB petition for panel rehearing in lawsuit challenging CFPB credit card late fee final rule

In the lawsuit challenging the CFPB’s final credit card late fee rule (Rule), the Fifth Circuit has denied the CFPB’s petition for a panel rehearing to reconsider the panel’s order vacating the district court’s order...more

CFPB seeks rehearing by Fifth Circuit panel of decision vacating transfer order; Fifth Circuit expedites briefing on preliminary...

Last week ended with several new developments in the lawsuit challenging the CFPB’s final credit card late fee rule (Rule), both of which appear to reduce the likelihood that the Rule will be stayed before its May 14...more

Committee on judicial codes of conduct concludes recusal of Fifth Circuit judge not required in lawsuit challenging final CFPB...

The Committee on Codes of Conduct of the Judicial Conference of the United States (Committee) has unanimously concluded that Fifth Circuit Judge Willett is not required to recuse in the trade group plaintiffs’ appeal in their...more

Texas federal district court reopens lawsuit challenging CFPB final credit card late fee rule and notifies D.D.C. to disregard...

Monday, the Texas federal district court entered an order reopening the case challenging the CFPB’s final credit card late fee rule (Rule) which it had transferred to the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia and...more

Fifth Circuit vacates district court order transferring to D.D.C. lawsuit challenging CFPB final credit card late fee rule

Last Friday, a divided panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit vacated the district court’s order transferring the case challenging the CFPB’s final credit card late fee rule (Rule) to the U.S. District Court...more

Fifth Circuit extends stay of district court order transferring to D.C. lawsuit challenging CFPB final credit card late fee rule;...

The U.S. Court of Appeals has extended until 5 p.m. CT today its administrative stay of the district court’s order transferring the case to the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. This is the Fifth Circuit’s...more

Texas federal court enters order transferring to D.C. federal court lawsuit challenging CFPB final credit card late fee rule;...

Last week ended with an intense flurry of activity in the lawsuit challenging the CFPB’s final credit card late fee rule (Rule). The flurry followed the plaintiffs’ March 25 filing of a Notice of Appeal after the district...more

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