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What Every Multinational Company (Doing Business in Mexico) Should Know About … Mitigating Risks From ATA Scrutiny in a New...

Mexican cartels dominate large swaths of the Mexico-United States border and the Bajío region (an area encompassing relevant parts of Queretaro, Guanajuato, Aguascalientes, San Luis Potosí, Jalisco, and Michoacán), and they...more

Incoming Perfect Storm?: The Shifting Regulatory Landscape for Automotive Manufacturers in Mexico

It is expected that the next few years will be a challenging time for manufacturers in Mexico, with the automotive industry being particularly vulnerable as multiple pressure points come to a head: (1) the United...more

What Every Multinational Company Should Know About … Nearshoring into Mexico: Key Considerations in Weighing the Pros and Cons

Mexico is a key player in both the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) and Latin American regions. Nearshoring, the practice of relocating an operating business or supply chain closer to home markets, is a rapidly...more

Mexico's Creation of Electric Vehicle Standards Provides An Opportunity for Companies to Influence Final NOM Provisions

Mexico is on the electric vehicles mandatory-technical-standard (NOM)-creation roll. (“NOM” is the acronym for Normas Oficiales Mexicanas.) Mid-July 2024, the Ministry of Economy published the list of NOMS to be created...more

Chinese Mobility in the USMCA Region: A Choking Process that will Upend the U.S. and Mexican Automotive Industries

The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) automotive sector must be prepared to navigate a new set of requirements that will likely reshape supply chains, impact costs, and alter the competitive dynamics within the...more

What Every Multinational Company Should Know About …Tariff Increases in Mexico and Their Potential Impact on Your Supply Chain

On April 22, 2024, Mexico’s president increased import duties in the range of 5% to 50% on 544 Harmonized System (HS) codes, affecting a significant number of product categories such as steel, aluminum, textiles, plastics,...more

Chinese Footwear Imports Feeling the Heat in Mexico: Antidumping Investigation and Increased Duties

On April 26, 2024, the Mexican Government initiated an antidumping investigation on Chinese footwear imports. The products covered in the antidumping investigation include several types of boots, sandals, tennis shoes, and...more

Hidden Treasures in U.S. Funding Programs (and Clues to Find Them) for USMCA Manufacturers

With the push to accelerate electric vehicle production in the U.S. comes concurrent acceleration of an electric vehicle charging network, as well as increasing speed of electric battery manufacturing, clean energy and...more

What Every Multinational Company (that Operates in Mexico) Should Know About . . . Managing Fixed Assets

Multinational companies operating in Mexico are subject to Mexican regulations regarding the use of foreign goods. Mexican customs law provides that, with the exception of goods for personal use, any person who possesses,...more

Mexico increases import tariffs for non-Free Trade Agreement countries

The August 15, 2023 Mexican Federal Official Gazette contains a Presidential Decree (the Decree) that for the following two years -August 16, 2023 through July 31, 2025-, increases import duties in the range of 5% to 25% to...more

8/24/2023  /  Imports , Mexico , Tariffs , Trade Relations

Nearshoring and Beyond: Hot Topics for Automotive Companies Operating in Mexico

As manufacturing in Mexico returns to pre-pandemic levels, several recent legal developments may affect those operations. Manufacturers, particularly those in the automotive industry, need to consider new Mexican labor...more

Maquiladora Industry: Recommendations for "IMMEX" Companies for Fiscal Year 2023

Como consecuencia directa de los procesos de manufactura globalizados, las maquiladoras (ahora empresas “IMMEX” referidas de manera indistinta en este documento) han logrado posicionarse en México como uno (sino es que el...more

Deadline to Comply with Requirements of Mexico's Wastewater Disposal Standard Fast Approaching

Beginning March 2023, all businesses operating in Mexico regardless of size will need to comply with new requirements for wastewater discharge into rivers, basins, watercourses, other bodies of water, and into any type of...more

UK-Mexico Free Trade Agreement, Negotiations Formally Initiated to Finalize it Within Two Years

On May 20, 2022 the Secretary of Economy of Mexico, Tatiana Clouthier, and the Secretary of State for the Department for International Trade of the United Kingdom, Anne-Marie Trevelyan formally initiated negotiations towards...more

Mexican Authorities Remove Foodstuff Products Due to NOM 051 Labeling Requirements Non-Compliance

The Mexican Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (Cofepris) and the Federal Consumer Prosecutor's Office (Profeco) removed more than 10,000 units of domestic and imported foodstuff products that were...more

Mexico Issues New Mandatory Standard (NOM 029) Related to Timeshare Services

The March 28, 2022 Federal Official Gazette published mandatory standard NOM-029-SE-2021, Business practices-Informational requirements for the provision of timeshare services (NOM 029), which supersedes the 2010 version. ...more

IMMEX Highlights – Upcoming Deadlines

We hereby remind you of the following reporting obligations that must be complied by Mexican IMMEX companies during April and May....more

USMCA's Panel on Automotive Rules of Origin and What It Could Mean to Manufacturers in the Region

As covered by the news, Mexico and Canada have joined forces to challenge the United States’ strict interpretation of some of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement´s (USMCA or Agreement) Automotive Rules of Origin (ROO)....more

Imminent outsourcing reporting obligation for VAT-IEPS Certified companies and others to Mexican Tax Authority (SAT)

The General Foreign Trade Rules for 2022 (Rules) were published on December 24, 2021, and became effective January 1, 2022. The Rules provide that companies registered in the Companies Certification Scheme under the VAT...more

Mexican Bill of Lading Complement: New Enforcement Deadline and Factors Affecting Invoicing Obligations

As previously reported in our automotive industry blog “Dashboard Insights” on August 12, 2021, the Mexican Tax Administration Service (SAT, as per its acronym in Spanish) has created the bill of lading complement, a new...more

10/28/2021  /  Enforcement , Invoices , Mexico , Tariffs

Creation of the National Customs Agency of Mexico

On July 14, 2021, the Mexican Federal Register´s evening version contained the Executive Order creating the National Customs Agency of Mexico (ANAM for its Spanish acronym). This step will elevate customs authorities’ rank...more

7/20/2021  /  Customs , Executive Orders , Mexico

Recreational Use of Cannabis Moves Forward in Mexico by Decision of the Supreme Court

After the Mexican Congress failed to comply with the deadline and various extensions provided by the Supreme Court to issue a new law to regulate the recreational use of cannabis, on June 28, 2021, Mexico’s Supreme Court...more

Amendment to Mexico's Foreign Trade General Rule that Allows Customs Clearance Through Channels Other Than Those Authorized May...

On June 12, the seventh resolution of amendments to Mexico’s General Foreign Trade Rules for 2020 entered into force. In that resolution, several rules were modified, among them Rule 2.4.1., which regulates the "Authorization...more

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