In Re Zipmex Pte Ltd and other matters [2023] SGHC 88, the Singapore High Court imported into the Singapore restructuring regime the US concept of an "administrative convenience class" in a scheme voting exercise. This...more
Lock-up agreements typically involve the company's creditors committing in advance to vote at the relevant class meeting in favour of the contemplated scheme. Lock-up agreements serve an important commercial purpose of either...more
The automatic stay under the version of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency adopted by Singapore ("Singapore Model Law") is an accessible and powerful tool for protection under the Singapore restructuring regime...more
/ Appeals ,
Automatic Stay ,
Corporate Restructuring ,
Creditors ,
Cross-Border ,
Debt Restructuring ,
Debtors ,
Insolvency ,
Malaysia ,
Singapore ,
The Model Law ,
The Indonesian Supreme Court has reinstated the right of secured creditors to file a bankruptcy and suspension of payment (Penundaan Kewajiban Pembayaran Utang or PKPU) process....more
A recent debtor-friendly Indonesian Constitutional Court decision (putusan) raises uncertainty as to a creditor's right to exercise its self-help remedy (parate executie) in respect of assets subject to fiducia security....more