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EU Representative Actions Directive: The Developments to Know for This Evolving Landscape

The fragmented priorities and pace of EU member states in adopting national laws following the EU’s enactment of the Representative Actions Directive—a universal minimum-standards legal framework for representative actions...more

US, UK, and EU Collective Actions in the Privacy and Cybersecurity Space

Unlike the United States, the United Kingdom and, so far, the EU Member States do not all have domestic class action regimes or a cross-border class action regime (as detailed below), and instead have collective actions....more

EU Parliament Allows Consumers to Pursue EU Wide Collective Actions

The EU Parliament has approved the EU Council’s position on representative actions. By doing so, it has paved the way for consumers in Europe to be able to sue companies collectively....more

EU Parliament and Council Agree to Allow Consumers to Pursue EU-Wide Collective Actions

Negotiators from the EU Parliament and Council reached an agreement on 22 June on the Collective Redress Directive (Directive), which will allow groups of individuals to seek compensation through collective actions against...more

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