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UK Financial Insights from Katten | Issue 19

UK Financial Insights from Katten is a monthly newsletter highlighting key noteworthy developments potentially affecting financial markets and funds in the UK and Europe....more

Financial Markets and Funds Quick Take | Issue 30

Katten's Financial Markets and Funds Quick Take is a monthly newsletter highlighting key noteworthy developments potentially affecting financial markets and funds....more

Financial Markets and Funds Quick Take | Issue 27

Katten's Financial Markets and Funds Quick Take is a monthly newsletter highlighting key noteworthy developments potentially affecting financial markets and funds....more

Financial Markets and Funds Quick Take | Issue 26

Katten's Financial Markets and Funds Quick Take is a monthly newsletter highlighting key noteworthy developments potentially affecting financial markets and funds....more

Financial Markets and Funds Quick Take | Issue 25

Katten's Financial Markets and Funds Quick Take is a monthly newsletter highlighting key noteworthy developments potentially affecting financial markets and funds....more

Financial Markets and Funds Quick Take | Issue 23

Katten's Financial Markets and Funds Quick Take is a monthly newsletter highlighting key noteworthy developments potentially affecting financial markets and funds....more

Financial Markets and Funds Quick Take | Issue 21

Katten's Financial Markets and Funds Quick Take is a monthly newsletter highlighting key noteworthy developments potentially affecting financial markets and funds....more

Crypto, Meet ESG; ESG, Meet Crypto

The blockchain technology that powers cryptocurrency originated in an obscure white paper, anonymously published under the name Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008. In the 13 years following its publication, the cryptocurrency industry...more

Corporate & Financial Weekly Digest, Featuring Articles on SEC "Test-the-Water" Communications, CFTC Meetings, Third-Party Civil...

SEC/CORPORATE - SEC Proposes To Expand “Test-the-Waters” Reforms to All Issuers - On February 19, the Securities and Exchange Commission proposed Rule 163B under the Securities Act of 1933, which would permit any...more

The EU PRIIPs Regulation for Fund Managers

With the vast majority of European Union (EU) regulatory focus recently having been on the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II), it is important not to overlook the impending implementation of the EU's...more

SEC Issues Important Interpretive Guidance on Implications of "Unbundling" the Costs of Investment Research from the Costs of...

On October 26, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued three long-awaited letters clarifying how regulatory requirements in the European Union (EU), which go into effect on January 3, 2018, will impact US money...more

Corporate and Financial Weekly Digest - Volume XII, Issue 5

SEC/Corporate - SEC Releases Rule 504 Small Entity Compliance Guide for Issuers - The Securities and Exchange Commission recently released a Small Entity Compliance Guide for Issuers, which provides a brief summary...more

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