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Tracking Trump Administration Executive Orders Relating to Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources (Updated)

This advisory provides a high-level overview of executive orders (EOs) and Presidential memoranda related to environment, energy, and natural resources signed by President Trump on Inauguration Day and the days immediately...more

Tracking Trump Administration Executive Orders Relating to Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources

This advisory provides a high-level overview of executive orders (EOs) and Presidential memoranda related to environment, energy, and natural resources signed by President Trump on Inauguration Day and the days immediately...more

FERC Adopts Final Rule Formalizing One-Year Deadline for States To Issue Clean Water Act Certifications; Second Circuit Affirms...

On March 18, 2021, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) adopted a Final Rule requiring state agencies to issue Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 401 water quality certificates within one year of receiving a request or...more

Biden Administration Rapidly Advances Climate Change Agenda

It’s no secret that President Biden plans to prioritize action on climate change. During his presidential campaign, Biden identified climate change as one of his top four priorities, and announced he would seek to put the...more

Hitching a Ride on the Omnibus: COVID Relief and Appropriations Act Includes Major Climate Change and Energy Provisions

On December 27, 2020, President Trump signed H.R. 133, the “Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021,” an agglomeration of dozens of individual pieces of legislation which together total nearly 6,000 pages. While general press...more

FERC Proposes One-Year Deadline for States to Issue Clean Water Act Certifications

Acting in response to a Trump Administration Executive Order instructing federal agencies to reduce regulatory uncertainties and expedite construction of energy infrastructure, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)...more

Proposed Changes to Effluent Limit Guidelines for Steam Electric Power Generating Facilities

In keeping with the priorities of the Trump administration, EPA issued long-awaited proposed changes to the 2015 Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Steam Electric Power Generating Point Source Category...more

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