The Corporate Transparency Act (CTA), passed into law on January 1, 2021 in an effort to crack down on money laundering and other financial crimes, requires certain entities to report their beneficial owners to the federal...more
June 2024 Interest Rates for GRATs, Sales to Defective Grantor Trusts, Intra-Family Loans and Split-Interest Charitable Trusts -
The June Section 7520 rate for use in estate planning techniques such as CRTs, CLTs, QPRTs...more
/ Generation-Skipping Transfer ,
Gift Tax ,
Grantor Retained Annuity Trusts (GRATs) ,
Income Taxes ,
Individual Retirement Account (IRA) ,
Intentionally Defective Grantor Trusts ,
Interest Rates ,
Intra-Family Loans ,
Proposed Regulation ,
Required Minimum Distributions ,
Retirement Plan ,
Split-Interest Charitable Trusts ,
Tax Exemptions ,
Wealth Management
The August 2023 Section 7520 rate for use with estate planning techniques such as CRTs, CLTs, QPRTs and GRATs is 5%, an increase from the July 2023 rate of 4.6%. The August applicable federal rate (“AFR”) for use with a sale...more
/ Affirmative Defenses ,
Charitable Deductions ,
Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs) ,
Easements ,
Estate Planning ,
Fraud ,
Grantor Retained Annuity Trusts (GRATs) ,
Grantor Trusts ,
Income Taxes ,
Intra-Family Loans ,
Penalties ,
Trustees ,
Wealth Management
May 2023 Interest Rates for GRATs, Sales to Defective Grantor Trusts, Intra-Family Loans and Split-Interest Charitable Trusts -
The May Section 7520 rate for use in estate planning techniques such as CRTs, CLTs, QPRTs and...more
Act Now Before the Window of Opportunity Closes -
By now you have probably heard that the House Ways and Means Committee introduced legislation a few weeks ago (see Let the Estate Tax Planning Games Begin - But Where Will...more
/ Biden Administration ,
Estate Planning ,
Estate Tax ,
Grantor Trusts ,
Income Taxes ,
Legislative Agendas ,
Regulatory Agenda ,
Tax Planning ,
Tax Reform ,
Transfer of Assets ,
Transfer Taxes ,
Ways and Means Committee ,
Wealth Management
“President Biden and Democrats in the Congress have been working on a $3.5 trillion spending and tax package, and the details are starting to be revealed. Indeed, on Sunday, September 12th, the House Ways and Means Committee...more
/ Biden Administration ,
Estate Planning ,
Estate Tax ,
Generation-Skipping Transfer ,
Gift Tax ,
Grantor Retained Annuity Trusts (GRATs) ,
Grantor Trusts ,
Income Taxes ,
Internal Revenue Code (IRC) ,
Legislative Agendas ,
Tax Rates ,
Tax Reform ,
Transfer of Assets ,
Ways and Means Committee ,
Wealth Management
Federal interest rates were largely stable in August of 2021.The August applicable federal rate ("AFR") for use with a sale to a defective grantor trust, self-canceling installment note ("SCIN") or intra-family loan with a...more
/ AFR ,
Charles Schwab ,
Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs) ,
Estate Claims ,
Fair Market Value ,
Fiduciary Duty ,
Income Taxes ,
Intentionally Defective Grantor Trusts ,
Interest Rates ,
Legislative Agendas ,
Michael Jackson ,
State Taxes ,
Tax Cuts ,
Tax Reform ,
Wealth Management
July 2021 Interest Rates for GRATs, Sales to Defective Grantor Trusts, Intra-Family Loans and Split Interest Charitable Trusts AFRs -
The July applicable federal rate ("AFR") for use with a sale to a defective grantor...more
/ Biden Administration ,
Capital Gains Tax ,
Divorce ,
Estate Planning ,
Estate Tax ,
Grantor Retained Annuity Trusts (GRATs) ,
Grantor Trusts ,
Income Taxes ,
Interest Rates ,
Intra-Family Loans ,
Wealth Management
June 2021 Interest Rates for Sales to Defective Grantor Trusts, Intra-Family Loans, Split-Interest Charitable Trusts and GRATs -
The June applicable federal rate ("AFR") for use with a sale to a defective grantor trust,...more
Top Ten Estate Planning Recommendations before the End of 2020 -
If you have not already been inundated with invitations to webinars, articles and newsletters regarding the estate planning you should consider doing before...more
/ Capital Gains ,
Estate Planning ,
Estate Tax ,
Grantor Retained Annuity Trusts (GRATs) ,
Grantor Trusts ,
Income Taxes ,
Interest Rates ,
Tax Exemptions ,
Tax Planning ,
Year-End Planning ,
Year-End Tax Planning
Creating a grantor retained annuity trust (commonly referred to as a "GRAT") is a relatively simple way to transfer property to your children at virtually no gift tax cost. The recent decrease in the market poses an...more
Supreme Court Ruling in North Carolina Department of Revenue v. Kimberley Rice Kaestner 1992 Family Trust, 588 U.S. [TBD] and its Relevance to Income Taxation of Accumulated Income in California Trusts -
The Supreme Court...more
/ Beneficiaries ,
Domestic Asset Protection Trust (DAPT) ,
Due Process ,
Estate Tax ,
Exclusive Control ,
Forum State ,
In-State Beneficiaries ,
Income Taxes ,
Internal Revenue Code (IRC) ,
Life Insurance ,
Minimum Contacts ,
North Carolina Department of Revenue v The Kimberley Rice Kaestner 1992 Family Trust ,
State Taxes ,
Trust Distributions ,
Trustees ,
Trusts ,
Uniform Trust Code
Estate, Gift and GST Tax Update -
What This Means for Your Current Will, Revocable Trust and Estate Plan -
The estate and gift tax regimes have been permanent and unified since the passage of The American Taxpayer...more
/ Estate Planning ,
Estate Tax ,
Generation-Skipping Transfer ,
Gift Tax ,
Income Taxes ,
Individual Retirement Account (IRA) ,
Proposed Regulation ,
State Taxes ,
Tax Cuts and Jobs Act ,
Tax Planning ,
U.S. Treasury
With over a century of combined experience, the lawyers of Proskauer's Private Client Services Department regularly provide their diverse clientele – from business entrepreneurs and corporate executives to sports figures and...more
/ 501(c)(3) ,
Charitable Donations ,
Estate Planning ,
Estate Tax ,
Generation-Skipping Transfer ,
Income Taxes ,
Internal Revenue Code (IRC) ,
Investment Adviser ,
Private Foundations ,
Self-Dealing ,
Strategic Planning ,
Succession Planning ,
Tax Planning ,
Trump Administration
July Interest Rates for GRATs, Sales to Defective Grantor Trusts, Intra-family Loans and Split Interest Charitable Trusts (Rev. Rul. 2018-16) -
The July § 7520 rate for use with estate planning techniques such as CRTs,...more
/ Alimony ,
Estate Planning ,
Income Taxes ,
Individual Retirement Account (IRA) ,
Intentionally Defective Grantor Trusts ,
Internal Revenue Code (IRC) ,
Intra-Family Loans ,
Marriage ,
Self-Canceling Installment Note ,
Surviving Spouse ,
Taxable Distributions ,
Trust Protector Actions ,
Increase in Exemption from Estate, Gift and Generation-Skipping Transfer Taxes -
On December 22, 2017, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (the "Act") was signed into law. The Act implements a variety of significant tax reforms....more
/ Estate Planning ,
Estate Tax ,
Estate-Tax Exemption ,
Generation-Skipping Transfer ,
Gift Tax ,
Gift-Tax Exemption ,
Income Taxes ,
Life Insurance ,
Marital Trusts ,
QTIP Trusts ,
Qualified Domestic Trust (QDOT) ,
Tax Cuts and Jobs Act ,
Tax Deductions ,
Tax Exemptions ,
December Interest Rates for GRATs, Sales to Defective Grantor Trusts, Intra-Family Loans and Split Interest Charitable Trusts -
The December § 7520 rate for use with estate planning techniques such as CRTs, CLTs, QPRTs...more
/ Alternative Minimum Tax ,
Charitable Trusts ,
Corporate Taxes ,
Estate Planning ,
Estate Tax ,
Generation-Skipping Transfer ,
Gift Tax ,
Grantor Retained Annuity Trusts (GRATs) ,
Grantor Trusts ,
Income Taxes ,
Interest Rates ,
Self-Dealing ,
Tax Deductions ,
Tax Reform ,
Wealth Management
May Interest Rates for GRATs, Sales to Defective Grantor Trusts, Intra-Family Loans and Split Interest Charitable Trusts -
The May § 7520 rate for use with estate planning techniques such as CRTs, CLTs, QPRTs and GRATs...more
/ Appraisal ,
Conflicts of Interest ,
Declaratory Judgments ,
Divorce ,
Estate Tax ,
Federal v State Law Application ,
Fine Art ,
Foreign Persons ,
Gambling ,
Gift Tax ,
Grantor Trusts ,
Income Taxes ,
Interest Rates ,
Intra-Family Loans ,
Split-Interest Charitable Trusts ,
Tax Appeals ,
Tax Refunds ,
Testamentary Transfers ,
Transfer Taxes ,
Trust Funds ,
Valuation ,
WA Supreme Court ,
Wealth Management
October Interest Rates for GRATs, Sales to Defective Grantor Trusts, Intra-Family Loans and Split Interest Charitable Trusts -
The October Section 7520 rate for use with estate planning techniques such as CRTs, CLTs,...more
/ Attorney-Client Privilege ,
Estate Planning ,
Executors ,
Generation-Skipping Transfer ,
Grantor Retained Annuity Trusts (GRATs) ,
Income Taxes ,
Intentionally Defective Grantor Trusts ,
Interest Rates ,
Intra-Family Loans ,
IRA Rollovers ,
Irrevocable Trusts ,
Marital Status ,
Modification ,
Personal Liability ,
Power of Appointment ,
Private Letter Rulings ,
Reformation ,
Revocable Trusts ,
Same-Sex Marriage ,
Self-Certification ,
Split-Interest Charitable Trusts ,
Tax Debt ,
Trusts ,
Wealth Management
Low Interest Rates Yield Wealth Transfer Opportunities -
Low interest rates can create wealth transfer opportunities. For various wealth transfer techniques, the IRS assumes that a certain minimum interest rate is in...more
June Interest Rates for GRATs, Sales to Defective Grantor Trusts, Intra-Family Loans and Split Interest Charitable Trusts
The June § 7520 rate for use with estate planning techniques such as CRTs, CLTs, QPRTs and GRATs...more
/ Buy-Sell Agreements ,
Carry Forward ,
Digital Assets ,
Estate Planning ,
Family Businesses ,
Fiduciary Duty ,
Final Rules ,
Grantor Retained Annuity Trusts (GRATs) ,
Immunity ,
Income Taxes ,
Intentionally Defective Grantor Trusts ,
Interest Rates ,
Intra-Family Loans ,
Life Insurance ,
New Legislation ,
Private Foundations ,
Program Related Investments (PRIs) ,
Revocable Trusts ,
Split Dollar ,
Split-Interest Charitable Trusts ,
Surviving Spouse ,
Tax Liens ,
March Interest Rates for GRATs, Sales to Defective Grantor Trusts, Intra-Family Loans and Split Interest Charitable Trusts -
The March § 7520 rate for use with estate planning techniques such as CRTs, CLTs, QPRTs and...more
/ Appraisal ,
Charitable Deductions ,
Collateral Estoppel ,
Conservation Easements ,
Gifts ,
Grantor Retained Annuity Trusts (GRATs) ,
Income Taxes ,
Interest Rates ,
Internal Revenue Code (IRC) ,
Intra-Family Loans ,
Split-Interest Charitable Trusts ,
Tax Court ,
Tax Returns
October Interest Rates for GRATs, Sales to Defective Grantor Trusts, Intra-Family Loans and Split Interest Charitable Trusts -
The October § 7520 rate for use with estate planning techniques such as CRTs, CLTs, QPRTs...more
/ Charitable Deductions ,
Charitable Remainder Trust ,
Estate Tax ,
Executors ,
Grantor Retained Annuity Trusts (GRATs) ,
Grantor Trusts ,
Income Taxes ,
Interest Rates ,
Internal Revenue Code (IRC) ,
Intra-Family Loans ,
Irrevocable Trusts ,
Nongrantor Trusts ,
Refinancing ,
Split-Interest Charitable Trusts ,
Surface Transportation and Veterans Health Care Choice Improvement Act ,
Tax Court ,
Tax Planning ,
Testamentary Trust
September Interest Rates for GRATs, Sales to Defective Grantor Trusts, Intra-Family Loans and Split Interest Charitable Trusts -
The September § 7520 rate for use with estate planning techniques such as CRTs, CLTs,...more
/ Captive Insurance Company ,
Disclosure Requirements ,
Disregarded Entities ,
Estate Tax ,
Executors ,
Filing Deadlines ,
Grantor Trusts ,
Income Taxes ,
Intentionally Defective Grantor Trusts ,
Internal Revenue Code (IRC) ,
Intra-Family Loans ,
Limited Liability Company (LLC) ,
New Legislation ,
New Regulations ,
Real Estate Transfers ,
Reinsurance ,
Reporting Requirements ,
Self-Canceling Installment Note ,
Surface Transportation and Veterans Health Care Choice Improvement Act
August Interest Rates for GRATs, Sales to Defective Grantor Trusts, Intra-Family Loans and Split Interest Charitable Trusts -
The August § 7520 rate for use with estate planning techniques such as CRTs, CLTs, QPRTs and...more
/ American Taxpayer Relief Act ,
Choice-of-Law ,
Decanting ,
Estate Tax ,
Federal Reserve ,
Grantor Trusts ,
Income Taxes ,
Interest Rates ,
Intra-Family Loans ,
Investment Adviser ,
Portability ,
Self-Canceling Installment Note ,
Tax Court ,
Testamentary Trust ,