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USPTO Withdraws Fintiv Memo on Discretionary Denials in Post-Grant Proceedings

On February 28, 2025, the USPTO announced that it was rescinding former Director Vidal’s 2022 memorandum on discretionary denials by the Patent Trial and Appeal Board. The 2022 memorandum effectively narrowed the application...more

Revocation Actions at the UPC: State Your Defense or Risk Losing Your Patent

The Unified Patent Court (UPC) aims to provide expeditious decisions for its litigants. That means that there is a higher bar for obtaining extensions of time. As exemplified in BMW v. ITCiCo, the UPC’s reluctance to grant...more

Expert Testimony Excluded under Kyocera Where Party Failed to Establish its Expert Possessed the Necessary 'Advanced Training and...

The Federal Circuit’s decision in Kyocera Senco Industrial Tools Inc. v. International Trade Commission articulated a bright-line test for patent expert admissibility: to testify from the perspective of a “person of ordinary...more

USPTO Director: Invalidity Judgment by District Court Does Not Foreclose Inter Partes Review

In a sua sponte review, USPTO Director Kathy Vidal continued her refinement of the PTAB’s “discretionary denial” practice. Specifically, the Director vacated the Board’s decision to deny institution in Volvo Penta of the...more

New Patent Cases Filed in Waco Will Be Randomly Assigned Among Western District of Texas Courts and Divisions

In response to the recent concentration of patent cases filed in a single court in Waco, Texas, all new patent cases filed in the Western District of Texas’s Waco Division will be distributed among the district’s various...more

Federal Circuit: Indefiniteness Is Not Judged by the “Claim Language, Standing Alone”

Evaluating whether a patent claim is sufficiently “definite” under 35 U.S.C. § 112 requires looking beyond just the claim language itself. The Federal Circuit reaffirmed this fundamental principle in a recent decision...more

Timing is Everything: Accused Infringer’s IPR Victory Estops Its Own Prior Art Invalidity Defenses, but Does Not Estop Plaintiff...

Inter partes review (IPR) proceedings can give rise to statutory and collateral estoppel. But these two bases for estoppel attach at different times, which can lead to asymmetrical outcomes in related district court...more

Agreement Not to Raise Duplicative Arguments in District Court Key to Avoiding Discretionary Denial of IPR Petition

In the last two years, the Patent Trial and Appeal Board has issued two precedential decisions (in NHK and Fintiv) that set forth the board’s test for determining whether to deny an inter partes review (IPR) petition based on...more

Strength of Objective Indicia from Prior Litigation Overcomes Strong Obviousness Challenge in IPR

In a recent inter partes review (IPR), a patent owner overcame a facially persuasive obviousness challenge by relying on evidence from an earlier litigation to establish objective indicia of nonobviousness. In RTI...more

Attorneys’ Fees Award for Plaintiff’s Inadequate Pre-Suit Infringement Investigation Affirmed Even Though Trial Court Never...

The Federal Circuit recently upheld a district court’s decision to tax a patent infringement plaintiff with its opponent’s attorneys’ fees based on an inadequate presuit investigation into infringement, even though the patent...more

Court Narrows Invalidity Case Through IPR Estoppel, but Federal Circuit’s Shaw Decision Keeps Some Arguments Alive

The Federal Circuit’s decision in Shaw Indus. Grp., Inc. v. Automated Creel Sys., Inc., 817 F.3d 1293 (Fed. Cir. 2016) raised the possibility that the inter partes review (IPR) estoppel of 35 U.S.C. § 315(e) might not do much...more

D. Mass. Holds That Parties to an Arm’s-Length Negotiation Have Enough Common Interest to Maintain Privilege

During IP license negotiations, prudent negotiators will often avoid sharing privileged information about the IP to avoid waiving the attorney-client privilege. But in a recent District of Massachusetts case, the court upheld...more

IP Newsflash - January 2016 #2

SUPREME COURT CASES - U.S. Supreme Court Will Review PTAB’s Claim Construction Standard - The U.S. Supreme Court has decided to review the claim construction standard used by the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB)...more

IP Newsflash - January 2016

SUPREME AND FEDERAL COURT CASES - U.S. Supreme Court Denies Writ to Overturn Application of the Kessler Doctrine - The U.S. Supreme Court denied software developer’s SpeedTrack writ to overturn the Federal...more

IP Newsflash - July 2015

DISTRICT COURT CASES - Judge Grants New Trial, Vacating $533 Million Verdict against Apple - A Texas federal court vacated a $533 million verdict against Apple in favor of Smartflash because of an improper jury...more


IP Newsflash - February 2015

FEDERAL CIRCUIT CASES - PTAB’s Broadest Reasonable Interpretation Standard Affirmed by Fed. Circuit in First Ever IPR Appeal - On Wednesday, February 4, 2015, the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (CAFC)...more

IP Newsflash - January 2015 #4

DISTRICT COURT CASES - Akin Gump Wins Section 101 Motion to Dismiss, Invalidating 887 Patent Claims - Following Supreme Court precedent set forth in Alice Corp. Pty. Ltd. v. CLS Bank International, Judge Sleet...more

IP Newsflash - January 2015 #3

FEDERAL CIRCUIT CASES - Akin Gump Wins Summary Judgment of Non-Infringement - Akin Gump obtained a significant victory on summary judgment for HTC and AT&T in a patent infringement case against Adaptix, Inc., an...more

IP Newsflash - November 2014 #3

DECISIONS ON PATENTABLE SUBJECT MATTER UNDER ALICE CORP. - Federal Circuit Invalidates Patent Using the Supreme Court’s Alice Corp. § 101 Analysis - On November 14, 2014, the Federal Circuit held a patent...more

IP Newsflash - November 2014 #2

Federal Circuit: Licensor Has No Standing to Sue Where it Has Transferred “All Substantial Rights” to Its Licensee - The Federal Circuit affirmed a decision by Judge Schneider in the Eastern District of Texas to...more

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