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Access Denied: Patent for Controlling Entry Found Ineligible Under Section 101

Earlier this month in Luxer Corp. v. Package Concierge, the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware found that U.S. Patent No. 11,625,675 was ineligible under Section 101. In assessing the defendant's motion to...more

Top Section 101 Patent Eligibility Stories of 2024

It's that time of the year again – the time to snuggle up by the fire, put on Dominick the Donkey and read this year's Top Section 101 Patent Eligibility Stories. But first, the holiday movies and where they're streaming ...more

A Section 101 Election Day Throwback – Voting as a Fundamental Activity

In 2018, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit assessed Patent RE40,449, titled "Auto-Verifying Voting System and Voting Method." An exemplary claim is below: A method for voting providing for self-verification of...more

Federal Circuit Focuses on POV Camera Technology in Latest Patent Eligibility Opinion

In Contour IP Holding LLC v. GoPro, Inc., the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit reversed a summary judgment in which the asserted patents were directed to an abstract idea and, thus, patent-ineligible....more

Section 101 Patent Eligibility Roundup: It's Been Too Long

It's been a while since I last posted, and I apologize for that. (If interested, here's an alert about what's kept me away: a CFAA trial we wrapped up in late July.) But I am back, so let's look at the latest on the Section...more

District Court Ruling Offers Insight into Computer Fraud and Abuse Act Civil Jury Cases

Ryanair accused of several CFAA violations based upon, through a third-party partner, accessing the password-protected "myRyanair" portion of the Ryanair website. Ryanair alleged, and the jury found,...more

Section 101 Patent Eligibility Roundup: The PTAB, Cert Petition and My Oscars Picks

Dennis Crouch, famed Patently-O blogger, recently looked at several Section 101 decisions from the PTAB. In his first post, "Four Funerals: Recent 101 Decisions," Crouch analyzes four recent eligibility cases that involve...more

Section 101 Patent Eligibility Roundup: A Senate Hearing, a New Cert Petition and More

The Senate on Jan. 23, 2024, held a hearing to consider the Patent Eligibility Restoration Act (PERA), the proposed legislation introduced by Sens. Chris Coons (D-Del.) and Thom Tillis (R-N.C.). Tillis noted that though...more

Top Section 101 Patent Eligibility Stories of 2023

Fire up some hot cocoa, turn up the Perry Como Christmas album and settle in to read this year's Top Section 101 Patent Eligibility Stories. But, as always, this season is about gathering with family and friends, watching...more

Section 101 Patent Eligibility Roundup: October 2023

In this latest roundup, we look at some recent opinions from around the country, an interesting article discussing the constitutionality of the Patent Eligibility Restoration Act, "My Cousin Vinny" and more....more

Sens. Tillis and Coons Introduce Patent Eligibility Reform with a Significant Shift

Sens. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) and Chris Coons (D-Del.) on June 22, 2023, introduced the Patent Eligibility Restoration Act of 2023. My key takeaway from the text of the legislation is that Tillis and Coons are trying to walk the...more

Supreme Court on Section 101 Patent Eligibility: Thanks But No Thanks

The U.S. Supreme Court conferred on two patent eligibility cases last week. And, if you are like me, you did not sleep a wink while anxiously awaiting the Court's decision. But if you're reading this, you likely already know...more

Patent Eligibility at the Supreme Court: Another Petitioner Throws Its Hat in the Ring

In our roundup on April 28, we mentioned that the Solicitor General suggested that the U.S. Supreme Court grant cert in two pending patent eligibility cases: 1) Tropp v. Travel Sentry and 2) Interactive Wearables v. Polar...more

Section 101 Patent Eligibility: A Quick News Roundup

It's been a while since our last blog post, so let's do a quick roundup. In early April, the Solicitor General recommended that the U.S. Supreme Court hear two patent eligibility cases: 1) Interactive Wearables v. Polar...more

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Weighs in on Section 101 Patent Eligibility

Over the past couple months, there has been a constant onslaught of opinions related to artificial intelligence (AI) – typically ChatGPT – and the legal profession, often hinting that AI will eventually put attorneys out of...more

Rep. Issa Named Chairman of IP Subcommittee: An End for Section 101 Reform?

We have extensively covered the efforts of Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) and others to reform Section 101 of the Patent Act, from draft bills to congressional hearings. And after the U.S. Supreme Court said "thanks, but no...more

Top Section 101 Patent Eligibility Stories of 2022

You waited all year for it, so let's get going. But first, some important holiday notes: Looking to do some holiday baking that's a bit different? A couple suggestions: Ok – now to our top Section 101 stories of the year ...more

Red Flag Raised: E-Motosport Patent Ineligible Under Section 101

In Integrated Technology Solutions v. Motorsport Simulations, 2022 WL 4356494, (D. Mass. Sept. 20, 2022), plaintiff ITS asserted at least U.S. Patent No. 10,046,231 claim 15 against iRacing. That claim reads...more

Patent Eligibility Roundup: New Legislation, Call for Comments, Delaying Eligibility

We have a few brief Section 101 updates starting, unsurprisingly, with … Roughly one month after the U.S. Supreme Court rejected the American Axle petition, Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) has released the first draft of his Patent...more

Lost Item Tracking Patent Finds No Love in the Northern District of California

Linquet Technologies owns U.S. Patent No. 10,163,318, which claims a system for "detecting placement or misplacement of an abject." The patent introduces the invention: A wireless tag to be associated with the object to be...more

12 Patents Surrounding Automobile Transactions Found Ineligible Under Section 101

Sidekick Technology owns 12 patents broadly claiming systems, methods and apparatuses for providing automobile market information and performing or facilitating automobile transactions. Looking at the 12 patents-in-suit, the...more

American Axle: After Solicitor General Weighs In, Neapco Responds and Court Sets Conference

I first wrote on American Axle back in 2019. Nearly three years and dozens of hits for "American Axle" on later, we'll finally get an answer to whether the U.S. Supreme Court will hear another Section 101 dispute....more

Patent Claiming Mapping Gemstones to Blockchain Invalid Under Section 101

In a recent case decided by the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, the plaintiff, Max Rady, alleged that he developed a method to "record to a blockchain the individual identification signatures of...more

Federal Circuit: Failure to Preserve Key Argument Blunts Section 101 Eligibility Appeal

In Travel Sentry, Inc. v. Tropp, 2022 WL 443202 (Fed. Cir. Feb. 14, 2022), Mr. Tropp alleged infringement of two of his related patents. The parties agreed at the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York that...more

U.S. Patent Office Introduces Deferred Subject Matter Eligibility Response Pilot Program

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has introduced its Deferred Subject Matter Eligibility Response Pilot Program, which will evaluate the effects of permitting applicants to defer responding to subject matter...more

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