Mandatory vaccination policies have long been common in the health care field with respect to illnesses like measles and the flu, but have not been implemented on a wide spread basis. To date, courts have generally found such...more
/ Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) ,
Civil Rights Act ,
Coronavirus/COVID-19 ,
Employer Liability Issues ,
Employment Policies ,
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) ,
Infectious Diseases ,
Reasonable Accommodation ,
Title VII ,
Vaccinations ,
Workplace Safety
As the new year rolls in, the COVID-19 vaccine is on everyone’s mind. The Pfizer vaccine has officially been distributed throughout the United States (albeit through a more limited Emergency Use Authorization process) and...more
/ Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) ,
Civil Rights Act ,
Coronavirus/COVID-19 ,
Employer Liability Issues ,
Employment Policies ,
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) ,
Infectious Diseases ,
Public Health ,
Reasonable Accommodation ,
Title VII ,
Vaccinations ,
Workplace Safety