It is an exciting time for US infrastructure. Alongside the potential passage of President Biden's historic bill, our research indicates that investors, financiers and developers expect to step up their activity over the year...more
/ Biden Administration ,
Brownfield Properties ,
Capital Markets ,
Environmental Social & Governance (ESG) ,
Financial Services Industry ,
Foreign Investment ,
Greenfield Projects ,
Infrastructure ,
Innovation ,
Investment ,
Investors ,
Private Investment Funds ,
Suppliers ,
The pandemic has irreversibly hastened existing trends in the world of infrastructure. Digitalization, ESG considerations and climate change are no longer side issues, they are fundamentals -
As the US infrastructure...more
/ Capital Markets ,
Climate Change ,
Corporate Governance ,
Economic Growth ,
Energy Projects ,
Environmental Social & Governance (ESG) ,
Innovation ,
Investment ,
Market Infrastructure ,
Renewable Energy ,
Technology Sector