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United States District Court Blocks FTC's Final Rule Banning Non-Compete Agreements

On April 23, 2024, the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) announced the “Final Non-Compete Clause Rule” banning most post-employment non-compete clauses between employers and employees. The final rule was set to take effect on...more

FTC Issues Final Rule Banning Noncompete Agreements

On Tuesday, April 23rd, the Federal Trade Commission voted to enact a final rule banning most non-compete agreements between employers and employees. Generally, non-compete agreements prohibit employees from engaging in...more

The Pendulum Swings Back: NLRB Targets Neutral Work Rules in Reversal of Prior Ruling

Think over the policies in your handbooks. Do you have one that requires workplace civility (“thou shalt not be disrespectful or insubordinate to thine co-workers or supervisors”)? Or one that requires that employees keep...more

Can You Discipline Employees for Workplace Outbursts? NLRB Says It Depends on the Setting

Imagine that an employee in a workplace meeting stands up, and in a profanity-laced tirade, calls the manager in the meeting several names not fit for print. Most employers would immediately discipline, if not fire, that...more

Subjective Criteria For Hiring Decisions Or Rifs May Be Problematic

Mergers and acquisitions bring lots of financial opportunity, but they can sometimes result in upheaval in the workforce as the new entity determines whether it will operate business differently from its predecessor. If the...more

Arkansas Supreme Court Upholds Validity of Class-Action Waiver Clause Even In Absence of Arbitration Clause

Arbitration agreements and class-action waivers have been important tools for employers seeking to reduce expense and exposure in cases brought by employees. These legal instruments have begun to be limited, though. ...more

Restaurant's Mandatory Service Charge Wasn't a Tip

In the current battle to hire and retain good workers, employers have developed creative ways to balance employees’ increased compensation expectations against the costs of running a business. In addition, restaurants using...more

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