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Gentrification Not a Valid Basis For Fair Housing Act Claim

A claim of disparate impact based on gentrification in predominantly minority communities is not cognizable under the Fair Housing Act. Crenshaw Subway Coalition v. City of Los Angeles, 75 Cal.App.5th 917 (2022). A...more

California Enacts New Legislation to Accelerate Housing Production

California Governor Gavin Newsom recently signed into law several bills intended to accelerate local approval of housing projects and increase housing production. This update summarizes the contents of three key bills: ◾...more

Violation of Zoning Ordinance Limiting Medical Marijuana Cultivation Did Not Justify Seizure of Dispensary’s Medical Marijuana

The Sixth District Court of Appeal held that a medical marijuana dispensary could recover its marijuana plants seized by law enforcement, finding that violation of the ordinance did not render medical marijuana plants...more

Charter Cities Must Adhere to Affordable Housing Requirements of the Surplus Lands Act

The statewide concerns underlying the affordable housing provisions of the Surplus Lands Act superseded municipal home rule authority on the same subject and hence required charter cities to comply with the affordable housing...more

Court May Order City to Remedy Inconsistencies in its General Plan Created by Initiative

A court could properly direct a city council to correct internal inconsistencies in its general plan resulting from adoption of an initiative. Denham, LLC v. City of Richmond, 41 Cal. App. 5th 340 (2019). The Richmond City...more

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