Latest Posts › American Bar Association (ABA)


ABA Criticizes Nonrefundable Fees in Formal Opinion 505

In Formal Opinion 505 (the Opinion), the ABA wades into the discussion about nonrefundable attorney fees paid in advance, and declares that such a label “is not accurate” and should “not dictate whether a fee has been...more

Living and Working in Multiple Jurisdictions? Consider Which Ethical Rules Apply

A lurking issue for lawyers who live and/or work in multiple jurisdictions is which ethics rules apply to their conduct. A lawyer who lives, works, and serves clients whose interests are confined to a single jurisdiction need...more

ABA Relaxes Rule 4.2 When a Lawyer Hits ‘Reply All’: Will Oregon and Washington Follow Suit?

The American Bar Association (ABA) has issued its second formal opinion concerning Model Rule 4.2 in as many months. The so-called “no-contact rule” prohibits a lawyer from having contact with a represented party about the...more

The Text Might Not Set You Free.

American Bar Association (ABA) Model Rule 4.2, the “no-contact rule,” provides that: “In representing a client, a lawyer shall not communicate about the subject of the representation with a person the lawyer knows to be...more

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