on December 16, 2024, the FCA published its discussion paper (DP) ‘Regulating cryptoassets: Admissions & Disclosures and Market Abuse Regime for Cryptoassets’, marking another step forward in the development of the UK’s...more
/ Admissions ,
Capital Markets ,
Cryptocurrency ,
Disclosure ,
Disclosure Requirements ,
EU Market Abuse Regulation (EU MAR) ,
Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) ,
Financial Regulatory Reform ,
Market Abuse ,
Regulatory Agenda ,
On September 30, 2024, the UK Digital Securities Sandbox was officially declared open. The announcement was made by the Bank of England (BoE) and the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), following the consultation earlier...more
Following finalization of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2023, HM Treasury published a Delivery Plan for the Building a Smarter Financial Services Regulatory Framework for the UK. The Delivery Plan compliments the...more
The U.K.’s newest Financial Services and Markets Act of 2023 (“FSM Act”) received Royal Assent on 29 June 2023. Certain parts came into force on its passing, others will come into effect two months after that, and the...more
/ Competition ,
EU ,
Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) ,
Financial Institutions ,
Financial Regulatory Reform ,
Financial Services and Markets Act ,
Financial Services Industry ,
HM Treasury ,
Prospectus ,
Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) ,
Securitization ,
Solvency II ,
On May 9, 2023, the U.K. government published a Call for Proposals on which metrics the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority should be required to publish for the new secondary growth and...more
The U.K. government has published its much-anticipated proposals for regulating the cryptoasset industry. These proposals, currently in the form of a consultation, will see many (but not all) cryptoasset-related activities...more
A detailed set of amendments to the Financial Services and Markets Bill (FSMB) were tabled by Lord Lilley on 23 January 2023, promoting enhanced accountability for the U.K.’s financial regulators.[1] These comprise the result...more
Innovate Finance and Shearman & Sterling has submitted a comprehensive evidence paper to the House of Commons Treasury Committee inquiry into crypto-assets.
Analysis produced by Innovate Finance specially for the...more
/ Cryptoassets ,
Cryptocurrency ,
Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) ,
Financial Institutions ,
Financial Instruments ,
Financial Markets ,
Financial Regulatory Reform ,
Financial Services Industry ,
FinTech ,
HM Treasury ,
Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) ,
Below is a summary of the main developments in US and EU corporate governance and securities law and certain financial markets regulation developments since our last update in July 2019.
Corporate Issuers ,
EU ,
European Commission ,
European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) ,
Financial Regulatory Reform ,
Global Marketplace ,
Member State ,
Publicly-Traded Companies ,
Regulatory Oversight ,
Regulatory Requirements ,
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) ,
Securities Regulation ,
Securities Transactions
Below is a summary of the main developments in US and EU corporate governance and securities law and certain financial markets regulation developments since our last update in April 2019.
The expanded Senior Managers and Certification Regime (SM&CR), which comes into force on December 9, 2019, extends the framework regulating individuals charged with running certain financial institutions. The Banking SM&CR,...more
/ Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD) ,
Asset Management ,
Banking Sector ,
Brokers ,
Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) ,
Financial Regulatory Reform ,
Financial Services Industry ,
Investment Adviser ,
Senior Management Regime (SMR) ,
Senior Managers ,
UK Post-Brexit EU Financial Services Legislation -
Shearman & Sterling today announces its publication in its Brexit Resource Center website of the U.K. post-Brexit versions of several key pieces of EU legislation and...more
In this week's newsletter, we provide a snapshot of the principal US, European and global financial regulatory developments of interest to banks, investment firms, broker-dealers, market infrastructure providers, asset...more
In this newsletter, we provide a snapshot of the principal US, European and global financial regulatory developments of interest to banks, investment firms, broker-dealers, market infrastructure providers, asset managers and...more
In this week's newsletter, we provide a snapshot of the principal US, European and global financial regulatory developments of interest to banks, investment firms, broker-dealers, market infrastructure providers, asset...more
The European Commission has adopted “equivalence” decisions on the derivatives regulatory regimes for central counterparties in Australia, Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore. Further decisions are awaited for other jurisdictions...more
/ Australia ,
CCPs ,
Derivatives ,
Equivalency Determinations ,
EU ,
European Commission ,
European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) ,
Financial Regulatory Reform ,
Hong Kong ,
Japan ,
Singapore ,
Trade Repositories
In this issue:
- Bank Prudential Regulation & Regulatory Capital
- Regulatory Capital Tool for Securitization Exposures
- European Banking Authority Reports on Implications of Regulatory Reforms for...more
/ Banking Sector ,
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) ,
Credit Rating Agencies ,
European Central Bank ,
European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) ,
Financial Regulatory Reform ,
G20 ,
Investment Funds ,
Mortgages ,
Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) ,
Prudential Standards ,
Reporting Requirements ,
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) ,
Securitization Vehicles ,
Security-Based Swaps
In this issue:
- US Financial Stability Oversight Council Adopts Supplemental Procedures for Nonbank Financial Company Designations
- UK Government to Proceed with Giving Financial Policy Committee Powers for...more
/ Clearing Agencies ,
Credit Ratings ,
Crowdfunding ,
EU ,
Financial Regulatory Reform ,
Hedging ,
Nonbank Firms ,
Pensions ,
Regulatory Agenda ,
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) ,
Trade Market Abuse ,
In this issue:
- Bank Prudential Regulation & Regulatory Capital
- Compensation
- Consumer Protection
- Derivatives
- Enforcement
- Financial Services
- Funds
/ Broker-Dealer ,
Capital Markets ,
Compliance ,
Derivatives ,
Dodd-Frank ,
Enforcement ,
Enforcement Actions ,
EU ,
Federal Reserve ,
Financial Regulatory Reform ,
Global Systemically Important Banks (G-SIBs) ,
Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) ,
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
In this issue:
- Bank Prudential Regulation & Regulatory Capital
- Bank Structure
- Derivatives
- Enforcement
- Financial Market Infrastructure
- Financial Services
In this issue:
- Derivatives
- Compensation
- Shadow Banking
- Bank Prudential Regulation & Regulatory Capital
- Recovery & Resolution
- Financial Market Infrastructure
/ Banks ,
Compensation & Benefits ,
Derivatives ,
Financial Regulatory Reform ,
Foreign Banks ,
Infrastructure ,
Major Swap Participants ,
No-Action Relief ,
Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) ,
Shadow Banking ,
Swap Dealers ,
In this issue:
- HKEx Releases Concept Paper on Weighted Voting Rights
- SEC Developments
- Noteworthy US Securities Law Litigation
- Recent...more
/ Asia ,
Compliance ,
Department of Justice (DOJ) ,
Enforcement ,
Enforcement Actions ,
EU ,
European Merger Control Regulation ,
European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) ,
Financial Regulatory Reform ,
HKEx ,
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) ,
Securities Litigation ,
Voting Rights
In this issue:
- Derivatives
- Bank Prudential Regulation & Regulatory Capital
- Recovery & Resolution
- Bank Structure
- Shadow Banking
- Financial Services
- Excerpt...more
/ Banks ,
Compliance ,
Derivatives ,
Designated Contract Markets (DCMs) ,
Enforcement ,
Enforcement Actions ,
Financial Regulatory Reform ,
No-Action Letters ,
No-Action Relief ,
Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) ,
SEFs ,
Swap Dealers ,
In this issue:
- Derivatives
- Bank Prudential Regulation & Regulatory Capital
- Recovery & Resolution
- Financial Market Infrastructure
- Funds
- Enforcement
- People...more
/ Banks ,
Capital Markets ,
Derivatives ,
EU ,
European Banking Authority (EBA) ,
Financial Regulatory Reform ,
Infrastructure ,
Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) ,
SEFs ,
The three US bank regulatory agencies issued a final regulation implementing the Basel III Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) which requires banking organizations to maintain a minimum amount of liquid assets in order to meet...more