With the deadline for gender pay gap reporting in the UK having just passed in early April, we explore some of the broader pay gap reporting, pay equity and pay transparency developments, and predict how these wider external...more
/ Employer Liability Issues ,
Equal Pay ,
Gender-Based Pay Discrimination ,
International Labor Laws ,
Labor Reform ,
Pay Equity Laws ,
Pay Gap ,
Pay Transparency ,
Sex Discrimination ,
UK ,
Wage and Hour
The UK Government has laid draft sets of Regulations before Parliament which are due to come into force on March 8, 2024, and will make changes to the current statutory paternity leave scheme....more
Under the Fair Work Legislation Amendment (known as the Closing Loopholes Act), as of January 1, 2025, intentional underpayment of employees’ wages and certain benefits will be a criminal offense, with a maximum of 10 years’...more
We previously reported on the Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill (the “Bill”) and the uncertainty it brought for UK employers. Some recent developments from the UK government have given further clarity on what...more
The trend towards employees gaining greater control and flexibility over their working hours is set to continue. We discuss below some recent developments....more