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Products Liability Series: Does a Plaintiff Have a Duty to Mitigate Damages Under Arkansas Law?

Does a plaintiff have a duty to mitigate damages under Arkansas law? Yes. An injured person must use ordinary care to seek out treatment and follow the advice of physicians...more

2/8/2023  /  Damages , Mitigation

Products Liability Series: Does Arkansas Law Recognize a Strict Liability Products Claim?

Does Arkansas law recognize a strict liability products claim? Yes. Despite the absence of any contractual relationship, the supplier of a product in Arkansas is subject to liability in damages for harm to a person or...more

Products Liability Series: What is Arkansas' Law on Joint and Several Liability?

Arkansas limits a judgment against a defendant to no more than its proportional share of the damages. In other words, damages are allocated to a defendant in direct proportion to that defendant’s percentage of fault. For...more

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