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OSHA’s Potential COVID-19 Standard May Require Employers To Provide Vaccines

One of President-elect Biden’s first actions when he assumes office may be creating an emergency standard for COVID-19 through the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). As Fisher Phillips noted in November...more

Colorado Employers Receive A Holiday “Gift” In The Form Of More Paid Sick Leave For 2021

Right before the Christmas holiday, the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE) released new guidance requiring that all employers supply up to an additional 80 hours of Public Health Emergency Paid Sick Leave to...more

Preparing Hazardous Materials Shipping Papers

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration enforces the Hazardous Materials Regulations on our nation’s highways, requiring anyone who offers, ships, or transports a hazardous material to include shipping papers that...more

CDC Now Discourages Test-Based Strategy And Modifies Symptom-Based Strategy

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention just changed its guidance for discontinuing transmission-based precautions and disposition of patients with COVID-19 for both healthcare and non-healthcare settings. Generally,...more

Delivering Flexibility And Efficiency, The FMCSA Revises Hours Of Service Rule

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration recently released a Final Rule on Hours of Service Drivers, revising its current regulations to provide drivers with more flexibility. By expanding existing exceptions and...more

Can Employers Use COVID-19 Waivers To Limit Liability?

With employees returning to work and companies reopening their doors to customers, employers are looking for ways to limit liability related to potential COVID-19 cases contracted in the workplace. To do so, many are...more

Putting An ENDS To It: How To Address Vaping In The Workplace

A few months ago, the United States Center for Disease Control (CDC) had linked 2,807 hospitalizations and 68 deaths to e-cigarette vaping associated lung injuries (EVALI). Using e-cigarettes, or vaping, comes in many forms,...more

What Colorado Employers Need To Know About New Face Covering Requirement

Colorado Governor Jared Polis just issued a new executive order: “Ordering Workers in Critical Businesses and Critical Government Functions to Wear Non-Medical Face Coverings.” The order requires the Colorado Department of...more

Rising Tides: MSHA Penalties Increase For 2020

No penalty is a good penalty, but many Department of Labor fines just got worse – including those that can be assessed against mining employers. The agency published a final rule that increases the maximum civil penalties...more

OSHA Warns Fines Must Be Paid Or You (Individually) May Face “18 And Life”

Ever wonder what the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) would do if an employer refused to pay a fine? We just found out, and it’s not just the employer that needs to be concerned. After a New Jersey-based...more

Youth Movement: Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Seeks Younger Drivers

Recently, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (“FMCSA”) unveiled plans to lower the minimum legal age required to operate commercial motor vehicles in interstate commerce. The FMCSA began the Under-21 Military...more

Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission Issues Unanimous Decision Vacating Fall Protection Citation

Unanimous decisions from the Federal Mine Safety and Health Commission are rare, but on July 11, 2019, the Commission ruled 5-0 to reverse an Administrative Law Judge’s finding of a fall protection violation in Sims Crane...more

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