Latest Posts › Infectious Diseases


OSHA’s Potential COVID-19 Standard May Require Employers To Provide Vaccines

One of President-elect Biden’s first actions when he assumes office may be creating an emergency standard for COVID-19 through the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). As Fisher Phillips noted in November...more

CDC Now Discourages Test-Based Strategy And Modifies Symptom-Based Strategy

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention just changed its guidance for discontinuing transmission-based precautions and disposition of patients with COVID-19 for both healthcare and non-healthcare settings. Generally,...more

What Colorado Employers Need To Know About New Face Covering Requirement

Colorado Governor Jared Polis just issued a new executive order: “Ordering Workers in Critical Businesses and Critical Government Functions to Wear Non-Medical Face Coverings.” The order requires the Colorado Department of...more

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