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Employee Wellness Developments: Keeping Your Finger on the Pulse

As we alluded in our “Preparing for the Unknown: Open Enrollment 2018” blog post, employers that are finalizing their employee benefit plan designs in advance of the 2018 plan year would be well-advised to monitor the...more

Preparing for the Unknown: Open Enrollment 2017

With Open Enrollment season just around the corner, employers have been hoping for answers regarding the direction of health insurance under the Trump Administration. However, it’s looking like clarity is a long way off....more

ERISA Exemption Upheld for Religious-Affiliated Hospitals

Hospitals that are “church-affiliated” may be breathing easier this week, following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on Monday that defined benefit qualified retirement plans (a/k/a pension plans) are not subject to the...more

House Republican Health Care Bill: Good News for Health Insurance Executives

An Affordable Care Act (ACA) provision that is often-overlooked by the media, but has impacted the ability of insurers and their non-insurance related entities, in their role as employers, to take tax deductions for certain...more

Episode 05: Obamacare (Part I): How Did We Get Here? [Audio]

Matt welcomes his colleague Beth Alcalde to discuss Obamacare – stripped of political rhetoric. In the first of this two-part podcast, Matt and Beth discuss the ACA's operational functionality, ways in which it succeeded,...more

Universities: Growing Concern With Explosion of Retirement Plan Fee-Related Lawsuits

In a concerning development for universities and other institutions of higher learning nationwide, a growing number of schools, including Massachusetts Institute of Technology, New York University, Yale University, Johns...more

New Notice Requirements For Employer Wellness Programs

Employers who sponsor employee wellness programs must plan now to comply with a new notice requirement that takes effect soon. Beginning with the first plan year on or after January 1, 2017, employers sponsoring wellness...more

Wellness Programs May Need a Check-Up Following Recent EEOC Guidance

Many employers offer some type of “wellness program” to their employees as a way to improve employee health and reduce healthcare spending. Wellness programs can be called many different things, including “weight loss...more

Wellness Programs May Need a Check-Up Following Recent EEOC Guidance

Many employers offer some type of "wellness program" to their employees as a way to improve employee health and reduce healthcare spending. Wellness programs can be called many different things, including "weight loss...more

Extension of ACA Reporting Deadline is Welcome News to Employers

On December 28, 2015, the IRS announced in Notice 2016-4 that the deadlines for complying with the new reporting requirements under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will be temporarily extended for purposes of 2015 coverage....more

ACA Reporting Deadline Is Welcome News To Employers

On December 28, 2015, the IRS announced in Notice 2016-4 that the deadlines for complying with the new reporting requirements under the Affordable Care Act (“ACA”) will be temporarily extended for purposes of 2015 coverage....more

Preparing for the Approaching ACA Reporting Deadlines

With ACA reporting deadlines quickly approaching, many employers should be preparing to address the various reporting requirements in order to avoid the significant fines and penalties associated with non-compliance. As of...more

Limiting an Employee’s Hours to Avoid Offering Group Health Plan Coverage Under the Affordable Care Act: Evaluating the Risks...

Business leaders and human resources and employee benefits professionals are well aware of potential minefields for employer group health plan sponsors under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Large employer plan sponsors are...more

Time Sensitive Updates for Employer-Sponsored Retirement Plans

There are two time sensitive updates affecting employer sponsored retirement plans that companies should be aware of and review to determine whether action is needed. The first update applies to employers that sponsor a...more

Professional Employer Organizations: New Tax Services Possible

Currently, Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs) have no comprehensive federal framework under which to offer employment tax collection and remittance services to their clients. The Small Business Efficiency Act (“SBEA...more

ACA Issues for Employers to Stay Aware of in 2015

With the Affordable Care Act's Employer Mandate (Pay-or-Play penalties) now officially in effect, employers with 50 or more full-time or full-time-equivalent employees should have already made all significant changes to their...more

Self-Insured Group Health Plans: Two Deadlines to Note

As 2014 winds down, plan sponsors are likely thinking ahead to some of the significant changes that will take effect in 2015, most notably, the employer "pay or play" mandate under the ACA. However, there are two deadlines...more

IRS Disallows Shifting Employee Health Coverage Burden to Exchanges

Certain employers hoped that they had discovered a way to "have their cake and eat it too". In response to the looming employer mandate for employers with 50 or more employees – the requirement to offer full - time employees...more

Health Care Reform – New Guidance For Employers And Relief For Mid-Size Employers

Employers in all industries are well aware of the complexities of the Affordable Care Act, and the seemingly constant barrage of guidance that interprets the health care reform requirements that apply to them. We have a...more

Employee Benefits Update: 2013 Year End Plan Tasks

As we approach the end of the year, employers and plan sponsors of qualified retirement plans and health and welfare plans should take time to meet various upcoming deadlines. Failure to comply with the deadlines may result...more

ACA Temporary Reinsurance Fees – Clues From HHS Guidance Of October 30, 2013

What is the "temporary reinsurance fee"? The Affordable Care Act ("ACA") requires the creation of a transitional reinsurance program for the first three years (2014-2016) of the state health insurance exchanges to help...more

Health Flexible Spending Accounts – Modification Of "Use It Or Lose It" Rule

Many employers offer health flexible spending account arrangements ("Health FSAs") through cafeteria plans to their employees. Historically, Health FSAs have been subject to a "use it or lose it" requirement, meaning that...more

Supreme Court Decision Striking Down DOMA Will Have a Significant Impact on Employer-Sponsored Benefits

The United States Supreme Court ruled on June 26 in United States v. Windsor, U.S., No 12-307, that the definitions of “marriage” and “spouse” contained in the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) excluding same-sex partners are a...more

Are You Considering Conditioning A Job Offer On An Agreement That The Applicant's Disabled Dependent Won't Enroll In The Health...

Traditional employment laws often interact with traditional employee benefit laws. One such example is the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)'s impact on employer-sponsored group health plans. As group health plan costs...more

Health Care Reform - Should Employers Reduce Expected Health Costs In 2014 By Transitioning Some Full Time Employees To Part Time...

2013 is shaping up to be a very busy year for employers in all industries, with the continued implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ("ACA"). Recognizing that in 2014, applicable large employers will...more

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