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2021 Trade Secrets Webinar Series: Takeaways & Recordings

Throughout 2021, our dedicated Trade Secrets, Computer Fraud & Non-Competes Practice Group hosted a series of CLE webinars that addressed significant trade secret and restrictive covenant issues facing clients today. This...more

Georgia is Not Immune to Sick Leave Laws

Seyfarth Synopsis: Georgia has a new sick leave law that requires employers to allow the use of available earned sick leave for the care of an employee’s immediate family members....more

Georgia’s Restrictive Covenants Act Turns Five Years Old: Assessing the Impact of Georgia’s Law Five Years On

While the federal Defend Trade Secrets Act is garnering a great deal of attention, it’s worthwhile to remember that state law remains critically important in drafting restrictive covenants.  This week, May 11, 2016, marks the...more

2015 Trade Secrets Webinar Series Year in Review

Throughout 2015, Seyfarth Shaw’s dedicated Trade Secrets, Computer Fraud & Non-Competes Practice Group hosted a series of CLE webinars that addressed significant issues facing clients today in this important and ever-changing...more

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