Acceptance is hard. At times it is easier, but it is always a process. Frequently it revolves around a change. And we all have varying degrees of change tolerance. Our recent move tested both the ability to manage change...more
Adolescence is hard. Many teens struggle with leading with their ego. Rather than being open to learning, they respond with “I know”. They argue points and are not always open to opposing views. Teens typically enter a room...more
The past few months have been the most unusual in my life. I never thought I would experience an event that would shut down the world and I have. While there is re-opening of some states, we are far from being back to normal....more
We are a few weeks into shelter at home, social distancing, remote working, and job losses. What mental health experts warned us might happen, has happened. Some people are lonely, frightened, agitated, and angry. Others are...more
/ Coronavirus/COVID-19 ,
Employer Responsibilities ,
Firm Leadership ,
Law Firm Associates ,
Law Firm Partners ,
Law Practice Management ,
Mental Health ,
Remote Working ,
Stress Reduction ,
Telehealth ,
Young Lawyers ,
JW Way Fundamental #24: Maintain a healthy work life balance -
"Stay happier, healthier and more productive by balancing your time between billable hours, marketing, community activities, family, friends,...more