Recently, I went to a concert. It wasn’t a band that I knew well and honestly, it was not my style of music. You know the kind of music that you’d never play in your car but your spouse might? I was prepared to not enjoy...more
Remember the Bill Murray movie, Groundhog Day, where every day was the same? Bill’s character, Phil, was not a particularly emphatic, caring, or even a kind person. Being stuck reliving Groundhog Day every day was Phil’s...more
We are a few weeks into shelter at home, social distancing, remote working, and job losses. What mental health experts warned us might happen, has happened. Some people are lonely, frightened, agitated, and angry. Others are...more
/ Coronavirus/COVID-19 ,
Employer Responsibilities ,
Firm Leadership ,
Law Firm Associates ,
Law Firm Partners ,
Law Practice Management ,
Mental Health ,
Remote Working ,
Stress Reduction ,
Telehealth ,
Young Lawyers ,