On July 1, 2015, the SEC issued a proposal to implement the last of the compensation-related provisions of the 2010 Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act that remained untouched on the SEC's plate—Section...more
/ Clawbacks ,
Compliance ,
Dodd-Frank ,
Executive Compensation ,
Federal Register ,
Form 10-K ,
Pay-for-Performance ,
Proxy Statements ,
Regulation S-K ,
Rule 10D-1 ,
Sarbanes-Oxley ,
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) ,
Total Shareholder Return (TSR) ,
W-2 ,
XBRL Filing Requirements
On April 29, 2015, the SEC voted to propose rules requiring public companies to disclose the relationship between compensation actually paid and company financial performance. The proposal comes almost five years after the...more