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Trump and House Republicans take aim at the global minimum tax and domestic tax measures

Day one of the Trump administration and the impact of the new U.S. President and Republican-controlled House and Senate is being felt in many areas, including in the international tax sphere. On 20 January, President Trump...more

What Does 2025 Hold for the Global Minimum Tax (Pillar Two)?

Rewriting the international tax framework to introduce a Global Minimum Tax (also known as Pillar Two) was always going to be a battle against the odds. However, despite various obstacles and setbacks, we closed out 2024 with...more

Key takeaways from the Joint Ventures and Pillar Two in Practice webinar

We recently hosted a webinar on Pillar Two and its practical impact on joint ventures (JVs). Our key takeaways are set out below. Introduction to Pillar Two - Pillar Two, also known as the global minimum tax, is an...more

What does Pillar Two mean for structured finance?

Born of the OECD’s base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) project, the Pillar Two rules introduce a global minimum corporate tax rate of 15% on multinationals of a certain size. The reforms reflect the outcome of an...more

UK moves closer to a Pillar Two reality

The UK continues to progress its implementation of the OECD’s Pillar Two reforms, with further legislative progress and publication of draft guidance by HMRC....more

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