In a recent event hosted by Lexology, Venable partners Justin Pierce, Calvin Nelson, and Marci Ballard discussed how various entities are seeking to prepare for a future of immersive, interactive, and engaging metaverse...more
Given the recent rise in the popularity and profitability of non-fungible tokens (NFTs), celebrities have entered the market not only by purchasing NFTs, but also by minting their own. However, because NFTs often involve the...more
A couple of weeks ago, we wrote an article concerning Nike's lawsuit against StockX. The original complaint primarily concerned StockX's nascent NFT program and Vault NFT offerings, alleging that the StockX NFTs featuring...more
/ Amended Complaints ,
Class Action ,
Counterfeiting ,
Dilution ,
Fair Use ,
False Advertising ,
First Sale Doctrine ,
Intellectual Property Protection ,
Nike ,
Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) ,
Trademark Infringement ,
Trademark Litigation ,
In 2019, the global sneaker resale market equaled $6 billion. By 2030, some analysts predict it will top $30 billion. At the cutting edge of that growth are companies like StockX, a Detroit-based company that, along with...more
/ Affirmative Defenses ,
Digital Goods ,
Fair Use ,
First Sale Doctrine ,
Global Market ,
Misrepresentation ,
Nike ,
Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) ,
Private Resales ,
Trademarks ,
Virtual Goods