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The Freedom to Yelp: Congress Curbs ToS Overreach

Worried about a company retaliating against you when you post a negative review on Yelp or TripAdvisor? Worry no longer because Congress has your back. Last week, Congress passed a law that will make it illegal for companies...more

The Freedom to Yelp: Congress Curbs ToS Overreach

Worried about a company retaliating against you when you post a negative review on Yelp or TripAdvisor? Worry no longer because Congress has your back. Last week, Congress passed a law that will make it illegal for companies...more

Pokémon Go Ushers in a New, Augmented World of Legal Liability Concerns

We predicted last year that 2016 would be the year of Pokémon. This prophecy came true last week within just two days of the Pokémon Go launch. The location-based augmented reality mobile game/app quickly surpassed Tinder in...more

Six Ways Site Design Can Potentially Render TOS Agreements Unenforceable

Our recent posts on successful legal challenges to the arbitration clauses in browsewrap and clickwrap agreements have a theme in common—even the most thorough and well-worded agreement can be rendered unenforceable by...more

Clickwrap Kryptonite: Don’t Let Site Design Undermine Your TOS

We previously covered the developing legal issues with browsewrap agreements and the importance of reviewing and updating any such agreement to ensure users are bound to the terms. In a browsewrap agreement, the user’s assent...more

Do Kanye’s Words Speak Louder than Tidal’s TOS?

A Chicago law firm has challenged Jay-Z and Kanye West, filing a class action complaint for violations of the California Business & Professions Code, fraudulent inducement and unjust enrichment in the Northern District of...more

The Value of Terms Limits: YouTube’s Broadly Defined TOS Does the Trick

Frequent readers of our blog will recall that in prior posts on companies such as Uber, Ashley Madison and Twitter, we have stressed the importance of having a robust terms of service (TOS) agreement. In many instances, TOS,...more

Twitter Sued for Modification of Hyperlinks

We often espouse the value of comprehensive, up-to-date terms of service (TOS) that consistently reflect your current business. And for good reason! Plaintiffs’ attorneys will scrutinize your TOS before helping your users sue...more

Ashley Madison and Coming to “Terms” with Data Protection

A recent massive data hack of an online dating site Ashley Madison once again proves that what one publishes, says, or does online, even in seemingly private forums, is never completely private. It’s also a reminder that the...more

Avoiding Uber Trouble via Good Terms of Service

In a recent lawsuit, Uber Technologies Inc. is accused of violating California’s Unfair Competition Law. Specifically, the complaint alleges that Uber misleads its users by: (1) falsely advertising its services as cheaper...more

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