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Tesla’s Smart Summon Dilemma: Who Will Be Held Accountable for Tesla’s Risky Push Into Autonomous Technology?

The latest controversy surrounding Tesla’s push into autonomous driving technology has sparked an investigation by U.S. safety regulators into its “Actually Smart Summon” feature. This feature, which allows drivers to summon...more

Driverless Dilemma: Are We Lab Rats Without Legal Recourse in the Experiment of Autonomous Driving?

In the maze of today’s technological advancements, our society is standing at a crossroads where progress meets safety. The intricate web of autonomous driving technology and legislative accountability is unraveling in front...more

Driverless Dilemma: Are We Lab Rats? Without Legal Recourse in the Experiment of Autonomous Driving?

In the maze of today’s technological advancements, our society is standing at a crossroads where progress meets safety. The intricate web of autonomous driving technology and legislative accountability is unraveling in front...more

Law Affecting Cuban Property May Result in the Return of Hundreds of Thousands of Stolen Property

All eyes should be on a recently enacted provision of an old law that could result in cases filed by flocks of Cuban nationals trying to reclaim property seized during Fidel Castro’s takeover of the island. U.S. Secretary...more

Hurricane Michael devastates the Florida Panhandle

Last week, Hurricane Michael devastated the Florida Panhandle. The hurricane was the third strongest to strike the United States and the largest to ever make landfall on the Florida Panhandle. Some of Florida’s most historic...more

Top 10 Health Technology Hazards for 2017

Clinicians, engineers, safety analysts and scientists at the ECRI Institute have released a looming list of things that could go wrong with modern medical devices and technology in the marketplace....more

Crash Augments Reality — Pokemon Lessons (Hopefully) Learned

In my previous blog, I discussed the perverse role new safe-driving technology plays in vehicles on the road today. In this blog, I discuss the dangers associated with what I call GWD (Gaming While Driving), specifically the...more

Safe-Driving Technology: Increasing danger behind the wheel?

Is safe-driving technology increasing our risk behind the wheel? While airbags, crash warning systems, improved child safety restraints, and shoulder belts offer safety benefits, so-called “infotainment systems” and...more

A History of Supreme Court Vacancies in Presidential Election Years

On Wednesday, President Obama nominated Merrick B. Garland to the Supreme Court of the United States to fill the vacancy left on the Court in the wake of the death of Justice Antonin Scalia. Judge Garland sits on the...more

Florida Defective Product Lawsuits: Who can be liable and how to prove it

Manufactures and sellers have a responsibility to put reasonably safe products in the stream of commerce. When someone is injured by a defective product, both the manufacturer and the seller of the product can be liable for...more

Bringing Punitive Damages to the Forefront of Florida Trucking Litigation

Having punitive damages imposed against a trucking company is often a source of great anxiety for defense attorneys and their trucking company clients. Florida attorneys skilled in the handling of truck accident cases...more

Contracts 101: Read Twice, Sign Once

Fast and loose; quick and dirty; speedy and greedy are three ways to describe businessmen and women who enter into contracts without reading the fine print. As soon as an executive signs his or her name to an endlessly long...more

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