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Shareholders' relief for unfair prejudice in the BVI and the Cayman Islands

The BVI and the Cayman Islands both have regimes in place to address unfair prejudice suffered by shareholders, although each jurisdiction approaches the issue differently. The threshold for successfully bringing an...more

Enforcing debts in the Cayman Islands and BVI which are subject to an arbitration clause

Where a debt is due under an agreement (and assuming there is no binding non-petition clause in effect), it is possible to take steps to wind up the company without first proceeding to arbitration, in accordance with the...more

Cayman Islands Schemes of Arrangement now available for Exempted Limited Partnerships using the Restructuring Officer Regime

A Cayman Islands scheme of arrangement is a court approved compromise or arrangement between a company and its creditors or shareholders (or classes thereof). A scheme of arrangement is frequently used to implement a...more

A Little More Time: The BVI Court Clarifies When and How It Will Exercise Its Discretion to Adjourn an Application to Appoint...

Emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic, inflationary pressures and increasing interest rates have continued to have a negative impact on the global economy. This has caused a significant increase in the number of creditor...more

Service Not Included

The Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court Civil Procedure Rules 2000 (as amended) (the "CPR") manifest a clear intention to create a comprehensive regime to ensure that there is at all times an address within the jurisdiction at...more

4/11/2023  /  Caribbean , Service of Process

Information orders against exchanges to aid the recovery of misappropriated cryptocurrency

As part of our series looking at the potential impact of recent cases on the future decisions of the Cayman Islands, BVI and Bermuda Courts relating to crypto assets, we consider the English decision of LMN v Bitflyer...more

Enforcement of Foreign Wills in the BVI

As part of our series looking at recent BVI and Cayman Islands cases affecting the Middle East we look at the recent case of Sheikha Amena Ahmed H.A. Al-thani et al v Sheikha Aisha Mohammed Ali Abdullah Al Thani et al, in...more

Is cryptocurrency likely to be accepted by the Cayman Islands and BVI Courts as a form of security?

As part of our series looking at the potential impact of recent cases on the future decisions of the Cayman Islands and the BVI Courts relating to crypto assets, we consider the recent English decision of Tulip Trading...more

Can the controllers of crypto exchanges in offshore jurisdictions be held liable for the funds stolen by crypto fraudsters through...

Courts in offshore jurisdictions have started to adopt the decisions of the English Courts when granting relief with respect to the dissipation and recovery of crypto-assets. One example is the recent decision in ChainSwap v...more

Appointing liquidators in the Cayman Islands

Executive Summary - Where multiple Cayman Islands entities in the same corporate structure become subject to insolvency proceedings (e.g. Cayman Islands master/ feeder fund structures), the Cayman Islands Courts will...more

Can sanctions on Russia provide a defence for non-performance under Cayman Islands law contracts?

The Insolvency and Dispute Resolution team at Walkers in Dubai continue to advise on the impact of the recent sanctions imposed on Russia in an offshore context, including whether such sanctions can give rise to a defence for...more

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