As we wrap up 2024, here is a review of some of the changes to California employment law that will continue to affect employers in 2025.
Legislative Changes...more
/ Arbitration Agreements ,
CA Supreme Court ,
Cal-OSHA ,
Corporate Counsel ,
Department of Labor (DOL) ,
Domestic Workers ,
Driver's Licenses ,
Employment Discrimination ,
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) ,
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) ,
Farm Workers ,
Freelance Workers ,
Heat Exposure ,
Job Ads ,
Labor Relations ,
Minimum Wage ,
Paid Family Leave Law ,
Paid Leave ,
Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) ,
Sick Leave ,
Unions ,
Wage and Hour ,
Voters in several states made decisions on key employment mandates on election day. These results will have significant implications for employers, particularly in terms of compliance and day-to-day operational issues. Below...more
While employers may not think about election days vis-à-vis labor and employment law obligations, this year, there are several states with ballot measures where voters will decide employment mandates. Issues for voters...more
California’s 2024 legislative session wrapped up with Governor Gavin Newsom signing significant bills affecting employers’ workplace policies and operations in the state. The new laws below take effect on Jan. 1, 2025....more
/ California ,
Corporate Counsel ,
Driver's Licenses ,
Employment Discrimination ,
Freelance Workers ,
Job Ads ,
Jury Duty ,
Paid Family Leave Law ,
Paid Time Off (PTO) ,
Race Discrimination ,
State Labor Laws ,
Unruh Civil Rights Act ,
Wage and Hour
As kids head back to school, California employees with children may need time off for various reasons from school-related activities to kids who are sick. Here are reminders of the California leave entitlements for parents...more
As we wrap up 2023, here is a review of some of the changes to California employment law that will continue to affect employers in 2024....more
Under the California Wage Theft Protection Act (Cal. Labor Code section 2810.5), all employers are required to provide each employee with a written notice containing specified information at the time of hire, including wage...more
California’s 2023 legislative session ended on October 14, 2023, with a slew of new bills affecting employers. Governor Gavin Newsom signed more than 30 employment-related bills.
Highlights of the new laws affecting...more
/ Cal-OSHA ,
California ,
Cannabis Products ,
Decriminalization of Marijuana ,
Employment Contract ,
Fast-Food Industry ,
Healthcare Workers ,
New Legislation ,
Non-Compete Agreements ,
Paid Sick Leave ,
Restrictive Covenants ,
State Labor Laws ,
Wage and Hour ,
Workplace Violence
The California Supreme Court held that when a court compels an employee to arbitrate their “individual” Labor Code Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) claims, the employee retains statutory standing to pursue...more
The City of Los Angeles’s Retail Fair Workweek Ordinance, which takes effect April 1, 2023, is not the only local ordinance in the Golden State that affects how retailers and other employers handle scheduling....more
In this issue of the Jackson Lewis Class Action Trends Report, we welcome the New Year and look back at the most significant developments affecting employment class and collective action litigation in 2022. We also look ahead...more
/ Arbitration ,
Biometric Information Privacy Act ,
Class Action ,
Coronavirus/COVID-19 ,
Cybersecurity ,
Data Privacy ,
Department of Labor (DOL) ,
Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) ,
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) ,
Federal Arbitration Act ,
Independent Contractors ,
Misclassification ,
Non-Exempt Employees ,
Pay Rates ,
Payroll Companies ,
Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) ,
Software ,
Wage and Hour
Across the country, voters will have the chance to weigh in on many statewide ballot measures that will set state minimum wages and other employment laws....more
California’s 2022 legislative session ended with numerous bills affecting employers and employment practices and procedures in the Golden State. Governor Gavin Newsom signed more than 30 of those bills into law, including...more
/ California ,
Corporate Counsel ,
Disability Insurance ,
Fast-Food Industry ,
Franchises ,
Leave of Absence ,
Marijuana ,
New Legislation ,
Paid Leave ,
Pay Data ,
Pay Transparency ,
Recreational Use ,
Reporting Requirements ,
State Labor Laws ,
Wage and Hour ,
Workplace Safety
California has extended COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave (SPSL) through December 31, 2022. On September 29, 2022, California’s Governor signed Assembly Bill (AB) 152 which amends the existing SPSL law and provides for...more
Early in the 2022 Legislative Session, Assembly Bill (AB) 2932 was introduced and was known as the four-day workweek bill. It sought to change when an employee would be paid one and one-half times their regular rate of pay...more
In this issue of the Class Action Trends Report, Jackson Lewis attorneys look back at class action developments in 2021, including COVID-19 vaccine mandate litigation, significant procedural decisions, wage and hour suits,...more
/ Arbitration Agreements ,
Biometric Information ,
Biometric Information Privacy Act ,
Class Action ,
Coronavirus/COVID-19 ,
Data Breach ,
Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) ,
Employer Mandates ,
Employment Discrimination ,
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) ,
Off-Duty Employees ,
Out-of-State Employees ,
Personally Identifiable Information ,
Popular ,
Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) ,
Vaccinations ,
Wage and Hour ,
Website Accessibility ,
Workers' Compensation Claim
The California legislature has passed and Governor Gavin Newsom has signed a number of bills that address wage and hour practices and other issues affecting California employers. All bills take effect January 1, 2022, unless...more
/ Anti-Discrimination Policies ,
Anti-Retaliation Provisions ,
California Family Rights Act (CFRA) ,
Coronavirus/COVID-19 ,
Delivery Drivers ,
Disclosure ,
Employer Liability Issues ,
Governor Newsom ,
Grand Theft ,
Independent Contractors ,
Manufacturers ,
Non-Disparagement Provisions ,
Piece-Rate Pay ,
Quotas ,
Restaurant Industry ,
State Labor Laws ,
Tipped Employees ,
Wage and Hour ,
Wage Theft ,
Warehouses ,
Workplace Harassment Guidance ,
Workplace Safety
While California has announced tentative plans to lift COVID-19 restrictions by June 15, 2021, the difficulties for employers are not over.
For much of the COVID-19 pandemic, California struggled to get infection rates...more
/ Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) ,
California ,
Coronavirus/COVID-19 ,
Employer Responsibilities ,
Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) ,
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ,
Hazard Pay ,
Health and Safety ,
Paid Sick Leave ,
Re-Opening Guidelines ,
State and Local Government ,
Vaccinations ,
Wage and Hour ,
Workplace Safety
Though employers may feel like California just wrapped up its legislative session for 2020, the 2021 legislative session is already in full swing. February 19 was the last day for the proposal of new bills. However, Assembly...more
/ Accrual Method ,
California ,
California Family Rights Act (CFRA) ,
Caregivers ,
Carryover Basis ,
Coronavirus/COVID-19 ,
Employee's Childcare ,
Employer Liability Issues ,
Governor Newsom ,
Healthy Workplaces Healthy Families Act 2014 ,
Paid Leave ,
Sick Pay ,
Supplemental Benefits ,
Wage and Hour
California has closed a busy legislative session with more than 30 laws relevant to employers being signed by Governor Gavin Newsom. The 2020 session was influenced by the difficult events of 2020, from the COVID-19 pandemic...more
/ Cal-OSHA ,
Diversity ,
Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) ,
Governor Newsom ,
Independent Contractors ,
Labor Regulations ,
New Legislation ,
Paid Leave ,
State and Local Government ,
State Labor Laws ,
Wage and Hour ,
Written Notice
Employment claims brought by a former claims adjuster were batted back and forth from California state court to Indiana federal court and nearly back again before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit stepped in. On...more