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Balancing the Scales: Purchase Price Adjustments in M&A Transactions

In the complex world of business transactions, particularly mergers and acquisitions (M&A), purchase price adjustments are a critical concept that help ensure fairness and accuracy in the final transaction price. Purchase...more

The Power of Preferred Stock: A Primer for VC, PE, and Founders

Preferred stock is a key financing instrument in the world of private equity (PE) and venture capital (VC), frequently used to balance the interests of investors and founders. Issued by corporations, preferred stock confers...more

Closing with Confidence: Representations and Warranties Insurance in M&A

Representations and warranties insurance (RWI) has become an increasingly common feature in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) transactions, serving as a risk management tool for both buyers and sellers. RWI facilitates...more

You Better Watch Out, You Better Not Cry: Big Changes Expected to Hit Lead Generation Industry in 2024

Whether you have been naughty or nice this year, if you are buying or selling leads or otherwise are a participant in the lead generation industry, you may be getting a lump of coal in your stocking. Don’t get upset just yet...more

Peekaboo: How To Continue Preparations for Brave New (Data Privacy) World

On September 12, 2023, Delaware became the 13th state to adopt a consumer data privacy act, joining Florida, another state to recently adopt consumer privacy laws, and others in providing resident consumers with rights...more

Til Death Do Us Part? Corporate Divorce Can Be Messy, But Not for the Prepared

While no one enters a partnership expecting it to end in divorce, no one is immune to failure. In the world of business, partnerships can sometimes mirror the complexities of personal relationships. Often, it is the “we’ve...more

Florida Business Climate Great for Pickleball, But Risks Are in Play

When discussing the ever-evolving landscape of Florida’s commercial real estate (CRE) market, one trend has begun to stand out — the rise of pickleball. This sport, once a leisurely pastime, has turned into a compelling...more

Alexa, What Do You Think of Florida’s New Data Privacy Act?

Hot on the trail of the latest state privacy laws to come into effect, Florida has jumped on board to keep the momentum going. On June 6, 2023, Florida Senate Bill 262 (“SB 262,”) was signed into law, meaning a new set of...more

Born in the USA? Product Origin Claims Nothing to Mess With

The interconnectedness of the global economy has resulted in consumers being faced with a wide selection of substitute products from many different countries. A ”Made in the United States” claim could be, and often is, a...more

How Renewable Energy Developers Can Maximize ITC Value In Deal-Making

On August 16, 2022, President Joe Biden signed into law the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (the “Act”). Among other things, the Act has notable consequences for the renewable energy industry, including restoring the...more

What’s Worse: The Pain or the Hangover? Brand Endorsements in the Fallout of Yeezy

“And I heard ‘em say, ‘nothin’ ever promised tomorrow today”; that is, unless, that promise was memorialized into a properly drafted and negotiated brand licensing agreement. Brand licensing agreements are essential for...more

Santa (and the CPPA) Know If You’ve Been Naughty or Nice With Your Consumer Data

On Oct. 17, 2022, the California Privacy Protection Agency (the “CPPA”) released a revised draft of regulations to enforce the soon-to-be-effective California Privacy Rights Act (the “CPRA”). The revised regulations include...more

Boo! Federal Data Privacy Laws May Come Soon and Businesses Can’t Hide

On September 1, 2022, the American Data Privacy Protection Act (“ADDPA” or the “Act”) was blocked from moving forward before the full U.S. House of Representatives. The ADPPA, which comes from the U.S. House Committee on...more

Naked Licensing: That’s Your Name, So Don’t Wear It Out

From multinational corporations to franchises to non-profits, there is a lot that goes into building your brand and a positive brand association among consumers. As a company looks to growth strategies, it will consider...more

Apply Foundation To Your Privacy Policy Before You Become The Next Sephora

On August 24, 2022, the California Attorney General released a statement regarding a settlement agreement that the State of California reached with Sephora, Inc. (“Sephora”), the international consumer product retailer...more

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