Maverick Natural Resources, LLC at al v. Glenn D. Cooper Oil & Gas, Inc. is for control freaks wherever you are … and for those of you who advise the aforesaid control freaks....more
The outcome of a multimillion-dollar suit was in the hands of a jury of 12 good and honorable citizens. The question: Was a certain party an agent, consultant, contractor, or none of the above? One side wanted the jury to be...more
And what a difference it was! In Apache Corp. v. Apollo Expl. LLC et al, Apache and others acquired an oil and gas lease on 100,000+ acres in the Texas Panhandle. The primary term was three years. The effective date was...more
As you negotiate your master service agreements are you confident that you know how insurance choices might affect indemnity obligations? Me neither. That’s why I turn to my Gray Reed partner Darin Brooks and his insurance...more
/ Breach of Contract ,
Commercial Insurance Policies ,
Contract Disputes ,
Contract Terms ,
Denial of Insurance Coverage ,
Exxon Mobil ,
Indemnity ,
Insurance Claims ,
Master Service Agreement ,
National Union ,
Oil & Gas ,
Umbrella Policies ,
Workplace Injury
Ellison v. Three Rivers Acquisition LLC et al., on remand from the Texas Supreme Court, is the third round of a boundary dispute between mineral lessees in Irion County.
For the history of Ms. Ellison’s odyssey from...more
Let’s begin with a quiz. Armour purchases non-recourse mortgage notes, becoming a lienholder in 99 oil and gas leases and 13 wells; fails to record the transfer documents in the real property records; assigns the leases to...more
The question in litigation is usually “WHAT”: what happened, what contract was breached, what did someone do or fail to do, and so on. In Hughes v. CJM Resources, LP, the question was, “WHO” had the right to file the suit in...more
/ Breach of Contract ,
Contract Terms ,
Critical Infrastructure Sectors ,
Deeds ,
Energy Projects ,
Mineral Exploration ,
Mineral Extraction ,
Mining ,
Natural Resources ,
Notice of Right to Sue ,
Oil & Gas ,
Here we go again, in Gary and Theresa Poenisch Family Ltd. P’Ship v. TMH Land Servs., Inc., learning that a purported Texas land transaction will not be enforced if the parties fail to comply with the Statute of Frauds....more
Let’s begin with a question: Master service agreements (“MSA’s” in the trade), once agreed upon, often remain in force for years. As time passes and circumstances change, the parties amend, sometimes losing sight of the...more
Sometimes writing too many alternatives into an oil and gas lease invites confusion … which provokes litigation … which results in disappointment for somebody … or everybody. ...more
Most bills filed in each legislative session fail. For the most part we are thankful for that. But today we summarize a few that survived while you weren’t paying attention. ...more
/ Breach of Contract ,
Cause of Action Accrual ,
Emergency Management Plans ,
Eminent Domain ,
Energy Policy ,
Energy Reform ,
Fracking ,
Horizontal Wells ,
Land Owners ,
Legislative Agendas ,
Natural Gas ,
Natural Resources ,
Oil & Gas ,
Public Utilities Commission ,
Quitclaim Deeds ,
Regulatory Agenda ,
Regulatory Standards ,
Royalties ,
Solar Energy
Howard, et al. v. Matterhorn Energy, LLC, et al. [6th Dist.] May 4, 2021 considered the Texas Citizens Participation Act as amended, effective on September 1, 2019....more
“Ratification is not a game of ‘gotcha’”, said the Texas Supreme Court in BPX Operating Co. v. Strickhausen. The Court, in a 5-4 opinion, addressed the standard for an oil and gas lessor’s implied ratification of an...more
In Apache Corp. v. Hill, et al., lessors prevailed in a lease construction dispute because of the court’s unsurprising conclusion that a typewritten addendum to oil and gas leases superseded conflicting provisions in the...more
Apache Corporation v. Castex Offshore Inc. et al, answers the question, What constitutes willful misconduct in oil field operations? This was a breach of contract suit involving operator Apache and non-operator Castex....more
In Evans Resources, L.P., et al. v. Diamondback E&P, LLC, two agreements left the terms “constructed” and “utilized” undefined. If the terms had been defined would the outcome have been different? Maybe. Should parties define...more
/ Breach of Contract ,
Condition Precedent ,
Contract Disputes ,
Contract Terms ,
Damages ,
Failure To Pay ,
Horizontal Wells ,
Judicial Foreclosure Process ,
Mineral Leases ,
Oil & Gas ,
Oil Wells ,
Surface Owner
Many oil and gas contracts – leases and JOAs for example – have force majeure clauses. The purpose is to allow contracting parties to suspend or terminate performance when certain circumstances arise that are beyond their...more
/ Breach of Contract ,
Business Interruption ,
China ,
ConocoPhillips ,
Contract Drafting ,
Contract Terms ,
Coronavirus/COVID-19 ,
Delay Claims ,
Emergency Management Plans ,
Force Majeure Clause ,
Foreign Commerce ,
Infectious Diseases ,
Infrastructure ,
Liability ,
Oil & Gas ,
Performance Standards ,
Public Health ,
Risk Management ,
Well Drilling
In Chalker Energy Partners III LLC v. LeNorman Operating LLC, the Texas Supreme Court reaffirmed its belief in the sanctity of the written contract and the freedom of parties to negotiate and agree to contracts as they...more
/ Appeals ,
Breach of Contract ,
Business Disputes ,
Confidentiality Agreements ,
Contract Disputes ,
Contract Negotiations ,
Contract Terms ,
Counterclaims ,
Energy Projects ,
Oil & Gas ,
Property Owners ,
Reversal ,
TX Supreme Court
Under Louisiana law, does the operator’s bad faith preclude recovery for the non-operator’s breach of a joint operating agreement if the operator caused the non-operator to breach the JOA but did not itself breach?...more
/ Ambiguous ,
Bad Faith ,
Breach of Contract ,
Contract Disputes ,
Contract Interpretation ,
Contract Terms ,
Deepwater Horizon ,
Diversity Jurisdiction ,
Good Faith ,
Joint Operating Agreement ,
Offshore Drilling ,
Oil & Gas ,
Operating Agreements
In Barrow-Shaver Resources Company v. Carrizo Oil & Gas, Inc the Supreme Court of Texas has held again, here in a consent-to-assign dispute, that a contract means what the words say, even if in negotiations a landman said...more
As mentioned last week, the 86th Legislature amended the Texas Citizens Participation Act, Texas’ Anti-SLAPP law and defendants’ go-to weapon of destruction in a diverse range of cases....more
Welcome to today’s grab-bag of unrelated topics.
The climate avengers are clever in the way they demonize the industry. They give zero credit for technological advancement. Truth is, the industry’s use of technology is...more
The latest Fifth Circuit opinion in Seeligson v. Devon Energy Production, L.P. is the latest round in a class action that has been developing since 2014....more
/ Abuse of Discretion ,
Breach of Contract ,
Class Action ,
Class Certification ,
Commonality ,
Downstream Agreements ,
FRCP 23 ,
Gas Royalties ,
Implied Contract ,
Marketing Perspectives ,
Mineral Extraction ,
Oil & Gas ,
Predominance Requirement
It’s a tale as old as the oilfield: A non-operator doesn’t pay joint interest billings, operator sues, non-payer claims the expenses were unwarranted and the operator was negligent—no, grossly negligent—for incurring them in...more
Harrison v. Rosetta Resources Operating LP presents a wacky? time-wasting? clever? unsuccessful attempt to expand reinvent the Texas accomodation doctrine....more
/ Breach of Contract ,
Damages ,
Energy Sector ,
Gross Negligence ,
Mineral Exploration ,
Mineral Leases ,
Mineral Rights ,
Natural Resources ,
Negligence ,
Oil & Gas ,
Permanent Injunctions ,
State and Local Government ,