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A New UK-based Unauthorised Fund Vehicle Now Available - The Reserved Investor Fund

The new UK fund vehicle Reserved Investor Fund (RIF) is available beginning today, 19 March 2025. The RIF is available for all investment strategies, but what might make it an appealing option, particularly certain tax...more

Private Funds Are Getting More Freedom to Recycle

Managers are often able to secure more-flexible recycling provisions, enabling them to reinvest a wider range of proceeds, often within an overall cap on amounts....more

FCA D&I Standards for Large Firms Abandoned (for now), Non-financial Misconduct Rules Delayed (but Still Important)

In a previous alert, we discussed the proposals put forward by the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) for all FCA-authorised firms to better integrate non-financial misconduct (NFM) considerations into their senior manager...more

Corporate Sustainability Reporting in the EU: Simplification, Decluttering, and Regulatory Burden Reduction Under Omnibus I or...

The keenly awaited details of the EU’s proposed first omnibus package were published on 26 February 2025. The package includes amendments to the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) (including revision and...more

Properly Valuing Private Equity, Venture, Real Estate, and Other Private Markets Assets: Some Pointers for UK and EU Managers

In our recent alert “New Year, Similar Concerns: The FCA’s 2025 Priorities for UK Private Fund Managers,” we discussed the updated supervisory strategy and priorities which the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has for...more

New Year, Similar Concerns: The FCA's 2025 Priorities for UK Private Fund Managers

On 26 February 2025, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) published a portfolio letter (Letter) explaining its supervision priorities for the asset management and alternatives portfolios....more

Where Do Private Funds Draw the Line on Recycling?

Private fund managers “recycle” capital — i.e., reinvest capital that would otherwise be returned to investors or to recall distributions already made — to maximize their investment capacity. ...more

Loan Fund Structures under AIFMD2: ESMA’s Proposals

In our recent alert Loan Origination Under AIFMD2: A Guide on loan origination under the revised Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD2), we noted that the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA)...more

Court of Appeal Considers Limited Partnership Dissolution in Flohr v Frontiers Capital: Winding Up Incomplete Where a Partnership...

A recent case, Flohr v Frontiers Capital, has provided additional guidance on limited partnership dissolution. In this case, the Court of Appeal considered the scope of the statutory power of a partnership to do what is...more

The 2024 Mansion House Speech: Points for Private Fund Managers

On 14 November 2024, Chancellor Rachel Reeves delivered her inaugural Mansion House 2024 speech, announcing a collection of reforms designed to drive growth and competitiveness in the financial services sector....more

Horizon Scan for Private Investment Funds - Autumn 2024

Welcome to the third edition of our Horizon Scan for 2024: key recent and expected funds, regulatory and tax developments to look out for. As before, we focus on the most important developments and changes that we expect...more

Liquidity Management Under AIFMD2: RTS for Open-Ended Funds

In our recent alert Loan Origination Under AIFMD2: A Guide, on loan origination under the revised Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD2), we noted that the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA)...more

How Do Fund Sponsors Resolve a Key Person Event?

Upon the occurrence of a key person event, a suspension period is typically triggered, during which the fund is not able to make new investments. In a previous article, we analyzed the average length of the suspension period...more

Recent Updates in the UK Venture Fundraising Landscape - August 2024

As venture fund formation lawyers, we take a keen interest in helping our clients raise capital for their funds. If you are currently fundraising or expect to do so soon, we have pulled together a summary of some key recent...more

ELTIF 2.0 RTS: Second Time Lucky and A Positive Step Forward on Liquidity and Redemptions

In our previous alerts (here and here), we noted critical feedback that the European Commission (Commission) gave to the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) on its December 2023 draft Regulatory Technical...more

A New Sustainable Investment Framework for the EU? ESMA’s Latest Opinion

Those who have had to navigate and consider the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) have faced its challenges and noted its deficiencies. Specifically, these have included data gaps, the SFDR’s use as a...more

Loan Origination Under AIFMD2: A Guide

The revised Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD2) introduces new requirements for funds managed by EU-based alternative investment fund managers (AIFMs) that originate loans. Most of the requirements...more

The King’s Speech: Reinforcing The Retailisation of Private Funds

The Pension Schemes Bill announced in the King’s Speech on 17 July builds on the UK Government’s drive to encourage defined contribution (DC) pension investment in long-term illiquid investments such as private equity,...more

ESG and EU Fund Names: ESMA’s Final Guidelines

On 14 May 2024, the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) published its final guidelines ESMA34-472-440 Final Report on the Guidelines on funds names ( on the use of ESG- or sustainability-related terms...more

Horizon Scan for Private Investment Funds - May 2024

Welcome to the second edition of our Horizon Scan for 2024: key recent and expected funds, regulatory, and tax developments to look out for. As before, we focus on the most important developments and changes that we expect to...more

How Long Do Funds Suspend the Investment Period Due to “Key Person Events”?

Most funds automatically suspend their investment period when a key person event occurs, but the duration of the suspension varies by asset class. Key persons are investment professionals who are considered indispensable...more

ELTIF 2.0 RTS: Commission Orders ESMA to Think Again

In our previous alert, we looked at the draft revised Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) supplementing the amended ELTIF Regulation (ELTIF 2.0) published by the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) in its...more

Forward to the Past: HNW and Sophisticated Exemptions for UK Investors

On 6 March 2024, following the Chancellor’s budget statement, the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) (Amendment and Transitional Provision) Order 2024 (SI 2024/301) (the March Amendment) was...more

End of the Beginning: AIFMD II’s Final Text

In our previous alert AIFMD II (Near) Final Text Agreed: What’s New? and in our recent update in our Horizon Scan, we noted that the Council of the European Union (EU) had published the final compromise amending text setting...more

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