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Alert: FCC Sets Rules for 5G Spectrum Auction – Bidding to Start December 8

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has adopted its bidding plans for the next 5G auction, Auction 107. Auction 107 will offer 5,684 licenses in the 3.7 – 3.98 GHz band, part of what is known as the C-band. This...more

Alert: FCC Sets Auction Schedule for 2020

The FCC's 2020 auction calendar is already full with three significant auctions scheduled before the end of the year. These auctions will unlock prime spectrum for 5G and other advanced spectrum services and help connect...more

Alert: FCC Releases Plans to Open Satellite Spectrum for Wireless Use

The FCC has released a draft order and auction procedures for a December 8 auction of C-band spectrum. C-band spectrum is now used by satellite companies and will be reclaimed for use by wireless providers. If adopted at the...more

Alert: More Spectrum for 5G: FCC Adopts Order Sharing 37, 50 GHz Bands

The US race for 5G supremacy continues as the FCC released an order intended to address questions about how the 37 GHz and 50 GHz frequency bands – which will be used to provide 5G service in the US – will be shared with...more

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