Trademark owners often have a difficult time recovering monetary damages in a trademark infringement case. Actual damages, such as lost profits, can be speculative. However, the Supreme Court may have just made it easier for...more
/ § 1125(a) ,
§ 1125(c) ,
Appeals ,
Burden of Proof ,
Charge-Filing Preconditions ,
Compensatory Awards ,
Dilution ,
Lanham Act ,
Lost Profits ,
Remand ,
Remedies ,
Romag Fasteners v Fossil ,
Trademark Infringement ,
Trademark Litigation ,
Trademarks ,
Vacated ,
Willful Infringement
CHARLOTTE, NC – The United States District Court for the Western District of North Carolina has denied plaintiffs Hyundai Motor Company’s Rule 12(b)(6) Motion to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim (#36). This means that...more
/ Antitrust Litigation ,
Class Action ,
Failure To State A Claim ,
False Advertising ,
Federal Rule 12(b)(6) ,
Hyundai ,
Lanham Act ,
Sherman Act ,
The Clayton Act ,
Trademark Infringement ,
Trademark Litigation ,
Trademarks ,
Unfair Competition