If you are getting divorced, you may find that your marital assets include interests in one or more trusts. It could be that you and your spouse established the trusts during your lifetime, or perhaps a family member created...more
/ Beneficiaries ,
Beneficiary Designations ,
Conflict Resolution ,
Divorce ,
Estate Planning ,
Family Trusts ,
Irrevocable Trusts ,
Revocable Trusts ,
Spouses ,
Succession Planning ,
Tax Liability ,
Tax Planning ,
Trustees ,
People often ask “Why do I need a trust?” Some folks think they can get by with a simple will. Here is why you probably need more than that...more
/ Beneficiaries ,
Beneficiary Designations ,
Divorce ,
Estate Planning ,
Estate Tax ,
Inheritance ,
Probate ,
Spouses ,
Successors ,
Surviving Spouse ,
Trustees ,
The federal estate tax (sometimes called the death tax) is a one-time tax that is imposed at death. If you die with a certain dollar amount of assets, an estate tax return may be required and a tax may be due. If a return is...more
If you have been divorced, you may be excited and yet anxious when your child decides to marry. You may be happy that she has found love, but you may also be painfully aware of the difficulties she may encounter if the...more
With wedding season just around the corner, here is a primer on what a pre-nuptial agreement can and cannot do for you...more
Divorce attorneys saw a wave of divorces last year due to the changes in the tax laws that took effect on January 1, 2019. If you were one of the masses whose divorce was finalized in 2018, now is the time to revise your...more
/ Beneficiaries ,
Beneficiary Designations ,
Divorce ,
Estate Planning ,
Life Insurance ,
Marriage ,
Power of Attorney ,
Prenuptial Agreements ,
Retirement Plan ,
Spouses ,
A good estate plan can significantly reduce taxes, streamline transfers of assets after your death, sidestep costly public probate proceedings and minimize family squabbles over inheritance.
But if you don’t have the...more
As long daylight hours continue to lift our spirits, it is not only the sun’s rays that we should protect against this summer. We should also make sure we have our bases covered when it comes to health care and incapacity...more
Valentine’s Day is a great time to count your blessings and make good on your charitable intentions. Why not provide for your loved ones while also providing for a charity that is near and dear to your heart? Clients with an...more
We have all watched as the Market Basket family and business dispute has played out in the media – customers protesting, employees on strike and secret family meetings behind closed doors. What began as a small family grocery...more
Christine Fletcher is back to provide more of her knowledgeable estate planning advice....more
Hi there,
Last week was a happy news week with all the royal baby reporting going on. I wasn’t willing to be left behind, so here’s a post from my very able colleague, Christine Fletcher....more
What an exciting week! I’m pleased to share the following alert regarding DOMA that my colleagues Lisa Cukier, Christine Fletcher and Peter Zupcofska put together today for clients and friends of our firm. As we celebrate...more